CSM媒介研究总经理王兰柱 一九六四年出生于内蒙古,一九八二年以优异成绩考入北京对外经济贸易大学,国际贸易专业学习。 一九八七年毕业,获经济学学士学位,同年分配到对外经济合作贸易部国际贸易研究院工作。主要从事市场调查及引进外资的工作。全面参与了八十年代中期,经贸部有关进一步改善外商投资环境的研究。 一九九零年起,独立主持国际贸易研究院贸易发展中心工作,为数家国际知名大公司与中国的合作提供投资咨询服务。 一九九三年,加盟索福瑞集团TNS(中国)公司,任总经理。为国际国内公司提供专业市场调查,投资咨询服务。 一九九六年,积极推动,促进了索福瑞集团与中央电视台央视调查咨询中心的合作,组建央视-索福瑞媒介研究有限公司,并担任总经理。积极组织,参与宣传,普及媒介调查知识,推动全国电视收视调查的统一,规范和应用;为改进中国电视节目质量,提高节目编排水平,创造电视广告良性竞争环境作出了重要贡献。 在国内有关专业刊物上发表系列论文,参与有关受众研究书籍的编写。推动,促进中国受众研究工作,任中国受众研究会副秘书长,获得中国受众研究会颁发的优秀论文奖和特殊贡献奖。多次参加有关市场调查,媒介调查国际会议,并就中国电视媒体研究问题发表演讲。 领导CSM媒介研究成为中国市场调查业内的第一家“新技术企业”,第一家“先进企业”,第一家通过“ISO9002”全面认证的企业。CSM媒介研究的收视率数据成为中国电视广告市场的“通用货币”。 一九九九年,在著名的澳大利亚蒙纳士工商管理学院读在职工商管理硕士(EMBA)。北京市青年企业家协会会员;中国传媒大学客座教授;中国企业联合会广告主工作委员会高级顾问。任中国企业联合会管理咨询委员会主任委员;任中国广播电视艺术家协会电视理论研究会副会长。 Biography Paul Wang Managing Director CSM Media Research Mr. Wang joined the TNS group as General Manager of TNS China in 1994. He was responsible for the company’s business in providing professional marketing research and investment consulting services to local and international clients in China. In 1996, Mr. Wang played an instrumental role in the negotiation and formation of CSM Media Research, a joint venture between CTR Market Research and TNS Group dedicated in TV audience measurement. In the following year, Mr. Wang served as the Managing Director of the CSM with responsibilities in strategic planning, new business development as well as managing the company’s daily operation. Under his leadership, CSM has grown from 7 staffs to over 400 staffs now; the research coverage increased from 42 markets to over 150 markets; clients serviced from 1 client in 1997 to over 150 TV stations, over 60 international and 500 local ad agency clients; the revenue of CSM grow from 7 million RMB in 1997 to 170 million in 2004. Mr. Wang focused on building and improving the company’s products, brand by standardizing TV audience measurement research and applications in China. Under his leadership, CSM became the first research company ever in China got ISO9002 certified; and was granted the “New Technology Company”, “Advanced Enterprise” awards by Chinese Government. Mr. Wang is one of the TV research industry’s leading figures and is regularly consulted by Advertisers, Ad Agencies and TV media for insights to TV industry especially to audience research and marketing issues. He has spoken on countless panels and regularly offered numerous keynote addresses to domestic and international audience in China, Hong Kong as well as in the Asia Pacific region. He is also considered a pioneer in the China audience measurement research field and as a contributor to the TV industry development in China. As such, Mr. Wang received the “Outstanding Research Award” and “Special Contribution Award” from the China Audience Research Institution in 1999, 2000. Mr. Wang graduated a Bachelor degree in Economics from the Beijing University of International Trade and Business in 1987 and enrolled in an Executive MBA program in Monash University in Australia in 1999. Currently, he is in the process his Doctor degree in media communications at the China Communication University. Mr. Wang is also a guest professor in China Communication University; Communication College of Tsing Hua University. Mr. Wang also serves as Deputy Director of Television Research Committee of China Television Artists Association; Deputy Director of Management Consulting Committee of China Entrepreneurs Association; Deputy Director of Broadcasting Industry Research Committee of China Radio and Television Industry Association .