上海东方宽频传播有限公司(英文缩略SMGBB;网址:www.smgbb.cn)属上海文广新闻传媒集团(SMG)旗下子公司。是全国广电行业里第一家专业经营网上视听业务的商业网站。公司主要业务是通过信息网络传播经营新闻、影视剧、娱乐、体育和其他专业类视听节目。获文广新闻传媒集团授权,SMGBB可在海内外通过宽带传播其丰富的节目资源。 目前,SMGBB现开辟了新闻、影视、体育、音乐、娱乐、生活时尚、财经、少儿、DV等十多个频道和数据增值服务。节目资源上,同时在线视频新闻已达到5000条,节目总长度近1500小时。其中,《新闻中心》每天的更新量达150条以上,居全国宽频网站视频新闻更新量的首位;公司还在国内首次实现了电视知名品牌在宽频和广播上的延伸互动实时直播,成功探索出一条同品牌栏目多种媒体优势互补的播出模式。公司还适时开发出具有“互动”特色的网络节目,探索和酝酿新的网剧制作和发行,在开发网络互动类节目方面有较大的突破。迄今为止,东方宽频已先后成功尝试了广播、电视、网络多媒体互动直播模式。 SMGBB在已获得中超和CBA等国内体育赛事的网络版权的同时,还成功引进国外互联网版权节目。通过与ABC、YESTV、REAL等境外的知名媒体机构合作,获得了大量英超、法甲及纪实专题类节目版权。也为SMGBB自己的节目传播到海外打下了坚实的基础。 SMGBB与中国电信互联星空、中国网通天天在线两大宽带内容门户精诚合作,形成了广泛的用户覆盖。截至2004年8月份,已全面覆盖了国内1500万宽带用户,并在上海电信、广东电信、浙江电信、山东网通、四川电信等近20家省级电信公司建立了分站,网站注册用户已逾50万。 SMGBB为加强网络版权管理,与微软在数字媒体技术领域进行深入合作。共同建设包括版权保护在内的内容集成发布平台。 SMGBB一直致力于将SMG的优势内容跨地域播出,形成全国性覆盖。为此SMGBB大胆探索,采用微软最新技术设计出卫星分发系统解决方案,为传输质量的大幅提高提供了保证;同时,建立基于Windows Media核心技术的数字媒体内容产品整合平台,支持宽带电视的应用需求,为宽带SP运营机构的播出和业务需求打下坚实的基础。 以 “个性、增值、合作、快速” 为经营方针。SMGBB与中国电信、网通、移动等国内几大运营商都形成了战略合作伙伴关系。形成了捆绑销售、保底分成等多种商业模式。在设备厂商领域,与华为、多普达等结成了战略联盟。形成了较为完整的产业链结构。 依托上海文广新闻传媒集团的丰富资源支持,秉承文化创新的精神理念,SMGBB将在电信增值业务的产业链上整合各种资源,以“互利合作、开拓创新”为原则,以开放的姿态愿与各大媒体、宽带运营商、内容供应商等各界携手合作,不断推出适应市场需求的产品和服务。力争两三年内把宽频节目传播到海外华人社区,并把SMGBB打造成为华语世界最强劲的互联网品牌。 The brief introduction of SMGBB Subordinated to Shanghai Media Group, Shanghai Media Group Broad Band is the first commercial trail entertainment provider specializing in visual and audio programs on line, which includes news events, TV series, movies, live sports matches and the alike. Authorized by Shanghai Media Group, Shanghai Media Group Broad Band is able to distribute rich program resources over broadband networks both at home and abroad. Such channels as news events, movies, TV series, live sports matches, Channel Young, finance and economy, DV are now available on SMGBB website, not to mention its value-added service .As concerned to program resources, we are very proud of the fact that the total amount of online visual news is up to 5000 within about 1500 hours. <>__ a division of the company, processes more than 150 news events every day, the number of which ranks the top on the list among all the broadband websites in China. In order to broaden our service scope, we have tried to integrate TV, radio broadcast with website broadcast and in this way we were able to form a broadcasting mode of multi-media cooperation on the basis of learning from each other. Consequently, we properly launch some interactive web programs and we are now focusing on the writing and playing of a web series, which has proved to be a breakthrough. Acquired the web broadcasting copyright from "Chinese superpower sports clubs" and some significant sports events at home, SMGBB also managed to import web programs from abroad. Cooperated with foreign renowned media institutions such as ABC, REAL, YESTV, we laid a solid foundation for our programs to be delivered abroad. In the assistance of 2 large-scale Broadband Company, SMGBB managed to own 15 million customers in different regions of China and set up nearly 20 branch websites in Shanghai, Guangdong, Province, Zhejiang Province, Shandong Province and Sichuan Province, thus covering about 50 thousand registered customers. To strengthen the secure management of its web copyright, SMGBB is seeking a sustainable cooperative relationship with Microsoft in the field of data media technology to establish a launch platform for protecting SMGBB's web copyright. To propaganda its excellent programs cross-regionally, SMGBB took a bald step in applying the Microsoft up-to-date satellite-launching solution to improve the transitional quality of the program. Meanwhile, based on Windows Media's integrated platform, SMGBB succeeded in satisfying the needs of Broadband TV. Our operational principles mainly concentrate in specific, profitable, team-work-spiritual and prompt. During our business experience, we have formed our own characteristic commercial mode of banding sales and survival quotation. Backed by Shanghai Media Group's rich resources and cultural idea, Shanghai Media Group Broad Band is ready to co-operate with partners from all walks of life, which make it possible for SMGBB to go with the trend of the media market and spread its programs to overseas Chinese communities within 2 or 3 years .In a word, SMGBB is on its way to became one of the most competitive internet Media Brand worldwide.