邬江兴,52岁,中国工程院院士,国家数字交换系统工程技术研究中心主任,863计划高性能宽带信息网重大专项总体组组长。1998年以来一直担任亚太经合组织工商咨询理事会理事。曾于1992年起先后担任国家863计划通信主题专家组成员、副组长。 Brief Introduction to Mr Wu Jiangxing Mr Wu Jiangxing, 52 years old, is an academician of China Academy of Engineering. He is President of China National Digital Switching System Engineering and Technological R&D Center and Chairman of the Supervisory Group for the Major Dedicated Projects of the High-performance Broad-band Information Network in China’s “863”Hi-tech Research and Development Program. Since 1998, he has been China’s member of the APEC Business Advisory Council. From 1992 on, he served respectively as a member and co-chair of the Communications Expert Group of China’s “863” Hi-tech Research and Development Program .