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  A Letter From National Geographic Films Adam Leipzig

  Lu Chuan's third feature, CITY OF LIFE AND DEATH, ranks with the best World War II films ever made. A vivid and brutal account of the Chinese occupation and rape of Nanking, it is, finally, a remarkable meditation on the randomness of life and death, the human power to survive, and the extent to which people will go to be cruel as well as each others' salvation.

  The film begins with the Japanese army surrounding Nanking, then China's capital city. The Chinese generals have fled, and the Chinese footsoldiers rush through the Japanese battalions to get to safety themselves. All that is left inside the city are civilians and a few Chinese civilian soldiers who have stayed behind to defend their families.

  The first act is the harrowing action of the Japanese taking the city. It culminates in an extended battle sequence when the remaining Chinese soldiers ambush the Japanese from a bombed-out building. This is as intense as the opening of SAVING PRIVATE RYAN. The Japanese prevail, and they execute thousands.

  In this act we meet a young Boy, who befriends one of the Chinese commanders. After the final slaughter of Chinese troops, this Boy is one of only two survivors. We also meet Kadokawa, a Japanese officer, although no one really seems to be in charge. Killings happen randomly and at whim. The Japanese soldiers are young and innocent, terrified themselves even as they terrify the civilians. The sense of suspense and dread that begins here continues, forcefully, until the movie's end.

  Chuan heightens the tension by using mainly natural sounds -- bullets, explosions, footsteps. The first music cue comes at the 31 minute mark.

  We are now in act two, which focusses on life in the so-called safety zone. We meet bespectacled Mr. Tang, Rabe's secretary, who tries to calm and care for the civilians, plus his own extended family. Tang and Rabe are faced with cruel choices. At one point, Tang makes a devil's bargain, collaborating with the Japanese in the hope of protecting his family. Rabe is forced to ask 100 women to service the Japanese sexually in return for rations for the rest of the community. This sequence, the literal rape of Nanking, is even more potent than the battle scenes at depicting the extent to which war desensitizes men.

  The third act focus shifts back to the Boy, and continues on Kadokawa as the white-clad Japanese army celebrate their victory over the city in a surreal tycho drum display. Kadokawa, who has been revealed to be both an innocent and a romantic, has watched and been responsible for unbelievable horror. In an act of trying to purge his soul, he lets the Boy and a companion go free, and as they do the Boy begins to run and smile -- the first smile we've seen in the film.

  It is a mark of Chuan's strength as a filmmaker that the only truly continuing character is Kadokawa, a Japanese officer, and that through his experiences we grapple with the immorality of his and his men's actions.

  The film is intense, realistic and graphic, but never exploitative. There are many images of death, unrelenting at times, but Chuan prefers to focus on the human dimension: he shows us a man's sobs as a child is hurled from a window, rather than showing the child's fall.

  He has shot the picture, wisely, in black and white, in wide-screen format. This will immediately bring reference to SHINDLER'S LIST, which is appropriate but insufficient. CITY OF LIFE AND DEATH also follows from PATHS OF GLORY and JEUX INTERDITS, as black and white movies that show how war affects us.

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