何慧娴个人简历 全国政协委员、中国奥委会副主席、中国体育记者协会主席。 1943年5月23日生于上海,1965年毕业于上海复旦大学新闻系。1978年4月至1994年7月在国家体委新体育杂志任记者、编辑、副总编、总编辑,编审职称;其间写过近百万字通讯、特写、报告文学,著有五部专著,所写的有关中国女排的作品多次在全国性的评选中获奖,中国作家协会会员。 曾获得全国优秀新闻工作者,全国“三八”红旗手称号。 1994年8月至2004年12月先后任国家体委、国家体育总局宣传司司长,中国体育报业总社社长、党委书记,国家体育总局局长助理、党组成员,中华全国体育总会副主席,中国奥委会副主席。 1995年起至今任中国体育记者协会主席,亚洲体育记者协会副主席,国际体育记者协会执行委员。 1996年起至今任国际垒球协会副主席,中国垒球协会主席,中国排球协会副主席。 2000年起至今任中国奥委会副主席,中国高尔夫球协会副主席。 2003年3月当选十届全国政协委员。 作为记者、体育官员参加过五届奥运会,四届亚运会。 Huixian Hee, Member of the national committee of CPPCC, Vice-president of Chinese Olympic Committee, President of China Sports Press Association.Born in 23rd ,May, 1943,Shanghai. Graduated from Shanghai Fudan University, majoring in press. During April of 1978 to July of 1994, acted as reporter, editor, vice editor-in-chief, editor-in-chief and read and edit of new sports magazine of National Sports Association; written about million words of correspondences, features, reportages, five published works, the writings on China Female Volleyball have won national prizes for several times; member of Chinese Writers Association; Elected as a national excellent presswoman, and won title of Woman pace - setter During August of 1994 to December of 2004, act as director of National Sports Association and General Administration of Sports, secretary of the Party committee, president, Assistant director of National Sports Bureau, Member of Party organization, vice president of All-China Sports Federation, vice-president of China Olympic Committee. Since 1995, assumed the president of China Sports Press Association,; vice-president of Asia Sports Press Association,; executive of International Sports Press Association Since 1996, assumed vice-president of International Softball Association; vice-president of China Volleyball Association. From 2000 up to now, she is the vice-president of Chinese Olympic Committee and the vice-president of Chinese Golf Association. March, 2003, Elected as member of the tenth national committee of CPPCC. As reporter and sports official, took part in Five Olympic Games and Four Asian Games. 搜狗(www.sogou.com)搜索:“奥委会”,共找到