个人简历: 郑世宝 上海交通大学电子工程系教授,博士导师,交大芯片与系统研究中心副主任,上海高清数字技术创新中心副主任。曾任国家HDTV重大科技产业工程项目专家,担任中国载人飞船天地数字电视系统地面设备总设计师,2000年获国务院政府特殊津贴奖励。 目前主持信息产业部电子发展基金项目——数字电视智能卡机卡分离研发及产业化,国家数字电视专项HDTV解码芯片设计等,是上海数字电视联合实验室的负责人。主要研究方向:数字电视、网络多媒体及ASIC设计。 【Shibao Zheng】 Professor and Doctoral supervisor of Electronic Engineering Department of SJTU, deputy director of chip and system research center and high definition television innovation center, he is the expert of national key scientific and technological project for HDTV and the chief designer of digital television land equipment of China’s manned spacecraft. He was the Winner of special government allowance in 2000.Being the principal of Shanghai digital TV associated lab, he has now presided the itfund project of MII, the digital television CA separating from set-top box to smartcard, and the SOC design for MPEG2 HDTV decoder. He has been engaged in digital television, networked multimedia and ASIC design.