很棒公司董事长兼首席执行官胥国栋 胥国栋先生是软件行业资深人士,20多年以来在北美,中国,台湾和巴基斯坦建立了多家离岸软件开发中心。胥国栋先生于2003年12月出任纬创(Wistron ITS)信息科技公司北美总地区经理,负责公司北美市场行销。 2002年6月兼任Stryon公司CTO,负责该公司的产品技术以及外包策略。1990-2002年,胥国栋先生创建Halcyon软件公司并任CEO.在此期间,承担产品设计,行销和软件开发的各项事务,2002年6月该公司与Stryon公司成功合并。1995年,在中国东莞建立了他的首家离岸开发中心,1999年公司研发工程师超过100人。同年,在巴基斯坦著名城市卡拉奇,建立40人的研发中心。2000年,在中国长沙建立50人的研发中心。 早期胥国栋先生就读美国肯萨斯(Kansas)大学并取得计算机科学硕士学位,尔后任职惠普公司七年,从事产品行销和研发。 Don Hsi Chairman & CEO in Henbang Mr. Hsi has over 25 years of experience in the software industry, delivering consumer, enterprise software products, as well as building offshore development centers in China, Taiwan, and Pakistan. Mr. Hsi was General Manager for Wistron Information & Technology Service from Dec. 2003 to June 2004. Responsible for its North America Sales & Marketing operation. From June 2003 to November 2004, Mr. Hsi is CTO of Stryon Inc. oversees Stryon's technology and its outsourcing strategy. Before Stryon, Mr. Hsi founded Halcyon Software in 1990 and served as its President & CEO until June 2002 when the company was acquired and merged with Stryon Inc.. During the 12 years, Mr. Hsi assumes responsibility for all phases of product planning, sales, marketing,and software development.In 1995, Mr. Hsi established his first offshore development center adjacent to Shenzhen, China. ramped up to over 100 developers by 1999. At which time, Mr. Hsi established the second development center in Karachi, Pakistan with 40 persons. In 2000, the third development center is situated in Changes city, China, with 50 developers. Before founding Halcyon, Mr. Hsi spent seven years at Hewlett-Packard in both product marketing and R&D operation. Mr.Hsi holds a Master degree in Computer Science from Kansas University, he is married with two children, residence in Saratoga, California. 搜狗(www.sogou.com)搜索:“胥国栋”,共找到