UTSTARCOM(中国)公司总裁兼首席执行官 吴鹰 内容摘要 业务融合是目前信息产业发展的重要趋势。终端用户对于个性化的、创新性的、丰富便捷的综合业务需求是推动业务融合的重要驱动力量。新技术的不断涌现,也使得业务融合在网络的实现上不断成为可能。 IPTV代表了业务融合的发展方向,是下一代网络视频应用的必然技术选择。从满足市场和终端用户需求的角度来看,IPTV的颠覆性技术特征将彻底改变人们观看电视的模式,进而成为宽带网络上的“杀手级应用”和未来家庭网络增值业务的核心业务。 中国的IPTV产业正方兴未艾,面临着前所未有的历史机遇,孕育着巨大的市场潜力。 探索和打造多赢的IPTV产业链和业务发展模式对于IPTV产业的健康发展、把握市场机遇至关重要。作为全球领先的基于IP的网络设备供应商,UT斯达康拥有完整的、电信级IPTV解决方案和独特的技术优势;并在美国、日本等战略性市场取得了规模商用。UT斯达康将为中国IPTV产业的发展做出应有的贡献。 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY A major trend in the current IT and communication industry is the convergence of services. End users call for personalized, innovative, diversified services, and that is the major force driving the service convergence forward. The emergence and application of new technologies make the progress possible in practice. IPTV represents the direction of service convergence, and is the technology of choice for video applications on next generation network (NGN). On the other hand, IPTV as a revolutionary technology in its nature, is going to fundamentally change the way people watching TV, so as to become the “killer application” on broadband network, and the foundation of value added services in home entertaining environment. The IPTV industry enjoys a promising prospect in China, embracing unprecedented development opportunity and huge market potential. Exploring and building a multi-win industrial value chain and business model is critical to the sound development of IPTV industry, and to capitalizing the market opportunity. As a global leader in IP access infrastructure products, UTStarcom has successfully launched its mVision, an end-to-end carrier-class IPTV solution with unique technological advantages, in strategic markets like Japan and US. UTStarcom is ready to play an active role in contributing to the IPTV industry in China. 搜狗(www.sogou.com)搜索:“IPTV”,共找到