当今,越来越多的数字设备出现以及网络状况的改善,使得人们利用各种终端设备在各种场所都能获得想要得内容。一定业界公认的真知灼见被视为定律,并引导市场和业界获得巨大增长。如摩尔定律给市场带来硬件设备的高速更新换代,各种数字家庭的使用模式开始被接受和推广;梅尔卡夫定律认为网络成为增值的通道,设备和内容在标准中融合;大量的技术革新给业界带来了新的业务模式和市场前景。在这样的氛围中让我们一起努力来实现数字新生活。 Now digital momentum brings content to anywhere through any devices. People can get the content more and easier by different devices. Moore’s Law will drive the devices in digital home, different compelling usage model will be promoted and accept by end user. Metcalfe’s Law drives the cross-industry device and content interoperability. Standard and Eco-system grow markets, we have lots of partner working together at this digital home point. Innovation law drives the business model and industry landscape. Intel new technologies will help to advance digital home become reality.