英特尔公司中国区总经理杨旭 杨旭先生现任英特尔公司中国区总经理,负责中国地区的销售与市场推广工作。他与赖一龙(Lai Yit Loong) 先生共同担任这一职务,致力于进一步发展英特尔在中国的业务和机构。 1986年,杨旭先生作为实习生加入英特尔公司,同时在GMI工程和管理学院深造。从1986到1990年,杨旭先生在英特尔公司从事过不同工作,历任技术营销工程师(TME)、客户营销工程师(CME)和业务开发经理(BDM)等职。 1990年7月,杨旭先生在俄勒冈州Hillsboro加盟英特尔原始设备制造商产品和服务部(OPSD),担任业务开发经理(BDM),负责美国西部和亚太区OPSD的主板业务开发工作。 1995年10月杨旭加盟英特尔(中国)公司,担任OEM销售经理,负责在华开发本地个人电脑OEM业务。1997年升任地区经理,致力于本地个人电脑OEM业务开发。 杨旭1990年6月毕业于GMI工程和管理学院,获电气工程学士学位(BSEE)。 Ian Yang Country Manager Intel China Ltd. Ian Yang is the Country Manager responsible for sales and marketing operations in China. He shares this role with Mr. Lai Yit Loong focusing on further developing Intel presence and the organizations in China. Joined Intel in 1986 as a coop student while attending GMI Engineering & Management Institute, Ian completed various assignments at Intel ranging from TME (Technical Marketing Engineer), CME (Customer Marketing Engineer) and BDM (Business Development Manager) between1986-1990. In July 1990, Ian joined Intel OPSD (OEM Products & Services Division) in Hillsboro, Oregon as the Business Development Manager (BDM) responsible for OPSD mainboard business development in western region of the US and Asia Pacific region. Ian joined Intel China in October, 1995 as OEM sales manager, responsible for developing the local PC OEM business in China, and was promoted to be the District Manger in 1997, focusing on the local PC OEM business development Ian graduated from GMI Engineering & Management Institute in June 1990 with a degree in BSEE (Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering)。