周青青 教授
Prof. ZHOU Qingqing
以往专业音乐院校中的研究者习惯于 以西方音乐基本理论的视角观照中国民间 音乐的形式。随着采风工作和研究工作的
Researchers at music conservatories used to look at the forms of Chinese folk music in light of the basic theory of western music.Along with deepening
2016 北京国际作曲大师班
深入,民间音乐理论独立的话语系统渐渐 露出端倪,让我们得知它与专业音乐创作 及其理论有很大区别。尽管我们对民间音 乐的话语体系还缺乏完整解读,但本讲座 试图将已知的民间音乐形式从音乐基本理 论的角度进行初步的介绍。
讲座将从音阶、调式、正声与偏音、 音调结构、节奏等音乐基本理论的要素入 手,分析我国民间音乐在形式上的特点, 以及长期以来我国音乐文学的发达在音乐 结构和手法上留下的痕迹。
collection of folk music and research work, an independent discourse system for folk music theory is emerging, making it known to us that this is quite different from professional music composition and its theory.Although we still do not have a complete interpretation of this discourse system for folk music, this lecture will try to make a preliminary introduction to known forms of folk music based on the basic music theory.
By looking at scales, modes, zheng scale and pian tones, tone structures, rhythms and other elements of the basic music theory, this lecture will make an analysis of the characteristics of Chinese folk music in terms of its forms and an analysis of the impression left on music structures and tech niques by th e long-term development of Chinese music literature.