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第4页 :张静怡


  ZHANG Jingyi

  6 岁开始学习钢琴。2009 年考入中国音乐学院附中作曲系,师从于王非 教授。2012 年,考入中央音乐学院作曲系,先后师从于胡银岳、郝维亚 教授,现师从于秦文琛教授。代表作品:《乌夜啼》、《易水寒》。

  At the age of 6 began to learn piano.In 2009, she was admitted to the Department of Composition in the Affiliated High School of China Conservatory of Music and studied under Professor Fei Wang. In 2012, admitted into the Department of Composition, Central Conservatory of Music and have studied composition by Professor Yinyue Hu, Weiya Hao. While now studying under Professor Wenchen Qin. Representative works: Crow in a dark night, Coldness of Yishui.


  The Untonsured monk


  Flute, Clarinet, Violin, Viola, Violoncello, Sheng, Pipa, Zheng


  ZHANG Jingyi

  “ 山其实 不需要被仰望

  他更愿意给你一个新的高度 去自由而庄严的


  行者,常游走在山巅水涯,仿佛可以 触摸但又远离都市现实,行者用脚步与心 灵丈量着自然,在这里,追求着自我;

  行者,喜欢追思往昔,如风的思绪、 真切的点滴、会心的微笑,都在宁静的小 坐与笃实的步履中悄然而伴,带着点孤独, 在期待中前行。

  小提琴、中提琴、大提琴、笙四件乐器, 与长笛、单簧管、琵琶和古筝产生偶然的 碰撞,将苦行僧的超脱和空灵慢慢铺展。

  “The mountain is no need to be looked up to. A new height is what he wants to give to you. With light heartness and solemnity, The man who whips round and overlooks is you. ”

  Ascetic monk,always travels through the mountains and streams,which makes an illusion that keeps at arm's length to the reality of the city. He experiences the power of the nature with his body and heart. He finds his inner self at here.

  Ascetic monk,always takes his memories. Thinking carefreely,praying devoutly, smiling knowingly,sitting peacefully and walking stably . With a little loneliness, he moves forward through the hope and expectation.

  The ingenious cooperation between violin, viola,violoncello,flute,clarinet these western instruments and sheng,pipa and zheng these Chinese traditional instruments will bring you a degage and intangible image of the ascetic monk.

yule.sohu.com true 搜狐娱乐 https://yule.sohu.com/20160706/n458081501.shtml report 21767 唐雨辰唐雨辰唐雨辰TANGYuchen1994年出生于河南郑州,2006年考入中央音乐学院附中,跟随著名作曲家刘长远学习。2012年考入中央音乐学院作曲系,先后
(责任编辑:董文 UK026)



