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章子怡与男友Vivi |
搜狐娱乐讯 Vivi于2010年1月14日在加州马里布就近期媒体上的相关传闻,通过内地公关公司发布声明,表示对近期有媒体对章子怡无中生有、凭空捏造的信息深恶痛绝,自己会一直站在子怡的身边,支持她。并希望媒体不要侵犯他们的隐私,散播他们已经分手的假新闻。
Statement from Vivi Nevo
January 14, 2010, Malibu, California, United States
“ I have been following the recent rumors and accusations surrounding Ms. Zhang Ziyi with great disbelief. I am personally very upset to find these false and vicious rumors in the Chinese media and I completely condemn them.
I stand by Ziyi fully in these difficult times. And, if the rumors, lies, and accusations continue in the print media or online, I will take the necessary legal actions to counter them.
Ms. Zhang’s and my relationship is private and personal; the media should not invade our privacy nor continue to spread rumors of a separation.”