
试听:tom waits - pony(老刘翻唱)

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  Pony / Tom Waits

  I've seen it all, boys --

  I've been all over.

  Been everywhere in the whole wide world.

  I rode the high line with ol' Blind Darby.

  I danced real slow with Ida Jane.

  I’s full of wonder when I left Murfreesboro --

  Now I am full of hollow on Maxwell street.

  And I hope my pony

  I hope my pony

  I hope my pony

  Knows the way back home.

  I walked from Nachez to Hushpukena --

  I built a fire on the side of the road

  I worked for nothing in a Belzoni saw mill.

  I caught a blind out on the B and O

  Talullah's friendly Belzoni ain't so

  A 44'll get you 99.

  And I hope my pony

  I hope my pony

  I hope my pony

  Knows the way back home.

  I run my race with burnt face Jake --

  Gave him a Manzanita cross.

  I lived on nothing but dreams and train smoke

  Somehow my watch and chain got lost.

  I wish I was home in Evelyn's kitchen

  With old Gyp curled around my feet.

  And I hope my pony

  I hope my pony

  I hope my pony

  Knows the way back home.

  And I hope my pony

  I hope my pony

  I hope my pony

  Knows the way back home

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