China International New Media Forum 中国国际新媒体论坛 Speaker: Don Hsi 演讲者:Don Hsi Title: Chairman & CEO 职位:董事长兼首席执行官 Company: Henbang Corporation 公司名称:很棒信息技术有限公司 Title: Interactive Behavioral Advertising (IBA) 互动行为广告 Henbang is a company founded by seasoned internet and advertising professionals from U.S. and China in August 2004. Headquarter in ShangHai, China, Henbang provides targeted advertisement via its innovative Interactive Behavioral Advertising (IBA) platform. IBA is both a new advertising platform and technology that provide a new dimension for conventional advertiser to achieve highly effective form of advertisement and marketing. 很棒公司是由中美互联网和广告界资深人士创办于2004年8月,其总部位于中国上海。公司通过互动行为广告平台(IBA)为广告主提供目标定位广告。互动行为广告是一项新的广告技术,它能够极大的提高企业广告效果,并帮助企业获取重要的市场数据。 The unique characteristic of IBA evolved with the emerging New Media platform. It exploits the interactive nature of New Media medium such as Internet, Computer Desktop, Smart Phone, IP TV, and other interactive devices. On top of the traditional single-directional “Push” of an Advertisement, IBA is capable of collecting users’ feedback and reaction from each Ad delivered. 随着互联网,电脑桌面,智能电话,数字电视以及其他新媒体的出现,新媒体平台将极大地推动互动行为广告的发展,它将充分运用新媒体所具有的互动参与性,让媒体受众不再只是被动的接受广告,可以让他们参与到广告中进行互动,并收集他们对广告的每一条反馈信息。 The basic requirement for any effective Ad is to ensure its content is interesting to the viewer; additionally, it should empower viewer of the Ad by offering them “Control”. One reason most traditional Ad are quickly losing their effectiveness is the Static nature of most Ad being delivered today. This problem can be eliminated with IBA delivery. Once user show interest with the Ad, it will then be motivated to Interact with the Ad, thus user’s interaction and feedback (Behavior) are collected. 我们将那些能够吸引观众,调动观众兴趣,让观众自己“控制”的广告定义为有效广告。今天大部分的传统广告因为它是静态的,而降低了它的宣传效果。这个问题完全可以通过互动行为广告(IBA)来消除。一旦,观众对互动广告产生兴趣,互动广告将引导这位观众继续参与互动,并收集观众互动的行为结果。 The Data Collection is a critical part of this process in order to fully utilize the IBA platform. A backend engine with Data Mining, Data Warehouse is required to Extract the enormous amount of data being collected. After the Extraction process, data will be Transformed and Normalized base on the needs from each advertiser and market researcher. Eventually, reports will be generated for the advertisers for decision support and user behavioral analysis. “数据收集”是互动行为广告平台的关键环节。通过具有监测功能和数据仓库的后台引擎去提取所收集到的用户行为;数据提取以后,将按照每个广告主和数据收集人员的要求进行分类和规整;最后,产生用户行为分析结果和数据报告。 With the arrival of 3G, processing rich media on mobile devices will become a norm. With the limited form factor of a mobile phone, delivering effective Ad is a major challenge. Henbang is developing its IBA platform with the exact goal in mind; With IBA, a 5 second Ad displayed on a small mobile phone can garner highly effective result, along with the data collected that include the user’s mobile phone number and its location information. 随着3G技术的来临,我们可以在手机上实现流媒体广告。由于手机存在局限性,发送有效的广告将会是最大的挑战。很棒公司正在不懈的努力完善互动行为广告平台,让一个5秒钟的手机广告也能发挥极大的广告效果。