姜帝圭(韩国导演、编剧) 姜帝圭1962年生。就读于韩国中央大学,毕业后写了为数众多的电视剧和故事片。他的第二部作品《谁看到了龙的指甲?》(1991)使他声名远扬,荣获韩国最佳编剧奖和百想艺术奖。 《银杏床》是他于1996年编写并首次执导的虚构爱情片,160万的票房创下了当年的最高票房纪录。该片又得到业内的好评,赢得最佳新导演、最佳导演、最佳影片等奖项。 1999年他执导的第二部影片《生死谍变》获得600万的票房,超过了该年美国巨片《泰坦尼克》在韩国的票房,这一现象促进了韩国电影的繁荣,扩大了韩国影片在海外市场的商业影响。《生死谍变》在海内外广受欢迎,使他成为亚洲杰出的商业影片导演。 2004年的《太极旗飘扬》是他继《生死谍变》后的又一部力作,是一部讲述发生在韩战时期的兄弟亲情的史诗片。这部预算创纪录,又有影星张东健和元彬加盟的影片,票房达1200万,对韩国电影历史产生了重大影响。 Kang Je-gyu (Writer/Director) Born 1962, Masan, Korea After graduating from Chung-ang University, Kang wrote for numerous TV dramas and feature films. He rose to prominence with his second screenplay , later awarded the prestigious Best Screenplay in Korea and also Baik-sang Arts Awards, His directorial debut was , a mythical love story that Kang wrote and directed in 1996. It proved to be the box office hit of the year setting a record 1.6 million admissions. Also, winning numerous awards and critical acclaim including the Best New Director, Best Director and Best Film Awards. In 1999, Kang’s second feature brought even further success captivating over 6 million viewers nationwide. The film that sunk blockbuster in Korea was the catalyst for the current boom and major commercial exposure of Korean films in overseas markets. The tremendous popularity of this tingling espionage thriller in Korea and abroad firmly established him as one of the most talented and commercially successful directors in Asia. his long awaited follow up to is an epic film about to brothers set during the Korean War. With its record setting budget and starring Jang Dong-gun and Won Bin it went on to set another film history in Korea, drawing 12 million audiences to theaters in 2004.