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嘉宾介绍 东软集团有限公司董事长兼CEO 刘积仁
YULE.SOHU.COM  2004-07-05 14:05  来源: 搜狐动漫
页面功能 【我来说两句】【我要“揪”错】【推荐】【字体: 】【打印】 【关闭






  刘积仁先生还担任全国政协委员、中国软件行业协会副理事长、中国互联网协会副理事长等职,曾任亚太经合组织APEC 工商顾问理事会(ABAC)成员,国家863计划306主题专家组副组长,国家自然科学基金委员会计算机学科评审组成员等职。


  Dr. Liu Jiren

  Chairman& CEO

  Neusoft Group Ltd.

  Dr. Liu Jiren is chairman and CEO at Neusoft Group Ltd., the leading software and solution provider in China.

  As the principal founder of the company, Dr. Liu started his entrepreneur career in 1988 when he, together with the other two young university teachers set up the Computer Software and Network Engineering Research Lab under NEU Computer Department with merely 3 PCs and RMB 30,000 Yuan as their total asset. Through 13 years’ development, the lab, predecessor of Neusoft, has now grown into a large software enterprise with 6000 employees and annual sales revenue of more than RMB 2 billion Yuan.

  Dr. Liu has conducted innovative explorations in the areas of software application research and software industry development. He advanced the point of “bridging software research and software application” which represents a new mode of transferring software research achievement then.

  For his outstanding contributions to the development of China software industry, Dr. Liu has been awarded “May 1st Labor Medal” by the state. He was also elected as one of China Top Ten IT Fortune People, and one of China Top Ten Leaders of Software Enterprises.

  Dr. Liu also serves on Neusoft Co., Ltd. as chairman, on Northeastern University as vice president and on Software Center of Northeastern University as director.

  Dr. Liu is active with many social and industry organizations. He is vice director-general of China Software Association, vice director-general of Internet Society of China, member of Business Advisory Council of APEC.

  After obtaining bachelor’s degree in computer application from Northeastern Institute of Engineering (the present Northeastern University), Dr. Liu went to NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) of the United States in 1986 to further his study where he finished his doctoral dissertation. In 1988, he returned to China and got his doctoral degree, becoming the first doctor in computer application in China. At the age of 33, he was promoted to professor, becoming one of the youngest professors in China. He began to tutor doctoral students in 1995.

页面功能 【我来说两句】【我要“揪”错】【推荐】【字体: 】【打印】 【关闭

-- 给编辑写信

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