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嘉宾介绍 Turbine亚洲区艺术总监、负责人 狄亚铭
YULE.SOHU.COM  2004-07-05 14:04  来源: 搜狐动漫
页面功能 【我来说两句】【我要“揪”错】【推荐】【字体: 】【打印】 【关闭

  Yaming Di
  Art Director and Manager of Asian Localization

  An award-winning and critically acclaimed artist, Yaming Di is Turbine Entertainment Software’s art director and manager of Asian localization.

  Mr. Di also was art director at Vicarious Visions, Inc and senior lead artist at Papyrus Design Group. He was the genius behind artwork for some of the most popular
video games to hit console and computer gaming. Some of his most notable franchises were Nascar, Grand Prix Legends, SnoCross, Spider-man, Tony Hawk and Crash Bandicoot.

  Mr. Di has won numerous awards and critical acclaim for his personal artwork in several museums and galleries in both North America and China. He has also been published in several books and articles, including “Artists of Chinese Origin in North America” and “Asian American Artists”.

  Mr. Di is also a respected art educator, having taught both in China and the United States. He received his master’s degree of fine art from Carnegie Mellon University and his bachelor’s degree from Nanjing College of Art.

  Turbine Entertainment Software
  60 Glacier Drive, Suite 4000
  Westwood, MA 02090


  Papyrus Design首席艺术大师

  作为一位获奖的荣誉的艺术家,狄亚明担任 Turbine娱乐软件公司亚洲区的艺术总监及负责人。

  狄先生同时也是Vicarious Visions公司的艺术总监, 并且还是Papyrus Design 组织机构的首席艺术大师. 他是一位艺术天才,许多最流行的视频游戏和计算机游戏,如: Nascar, Grand Prix Legends, SnoCross, Spider-man, Tony Hawk and Crash Bandicoot.

  狄先生获得了众多的奖项,在几家北美和中国的博物馆以及艺术馆中, 他的个人艺术作品得到反响强烈的赞誉。他还曾出版过一些书籍和文章,如: “Artists of Chinese Origin in North America” and “Asian American Artists”.

  狄先生还是一位受人尊重的艺术教育家,在中国和美国从事教学工作。他本人于美国的卡内基 梅隆大学获美术硕士学位,于中国的南京艺术学院获本科学士学位。


页面功能 【我来说两句】【我要“揪”错】【推荐】【字体: 】【打印】 【关闭

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