Rolf Giesen Short biography
Born July 4, 1953 in Moers. In 1979 obtained doctorate at Free University Berlin. Since 1979 published numerous books and articles on the history and technique of the cinema (in German and English language), most recently an "Encyclopedia of Trick and Animation Films".
As a curator at Filmmuseum Berlin - German Cinematheque he mostly did exhibitions that focussed on special visual effects or animation such as the Berlin presentation of "Oscars in Animation" in 2003. For many years he is in charge of displaying Academy Award winner Ray Harryhausen's lifetime collection of stop motion models. Dr. Giesen is a frequent lecturer at German film schools and honorar professor at German Film School for digital production. As a consultant he contributed to the visual effects of feature films like Roland Emmerich's "Joey" or "The Neverending Story Part 2" before he devoted himself entirely to the field of feature-length animated films such as "Asterix and the Big Fight" or "Little Polar Bear Part 2" (currently in production).
罗夫·杰森 德国电影业权威泰斗、最具影响力的资深专家
1953年7月4日出生于德国Moers. 1979年获得柏林自由大学博士学位。 自从1979年起,出版发行了大量的有关电影技术和电影史的书籍和文章(德语、英语文字版本), 最近期的著作如 "动画影片与技巧百科全书"。
作为柏林的德国电影影片博物馆馆长,杰森博士主要负责展示特别针对于动画特殊艺术效果的展览活动,如:2003年奥斯卡动画片奖在柏林的展示。多年以来,他从事于展示奥斯卡奖获得者Ray Harryhausen先生终生的动画典范作品的收藏片。杰森博士是德国电影学院有关数码产品的荣誉教授,并且经常出席德国各个电影院校的演讲。作为一名业内资深顾问及专家,他为一些影院巨片的视觉效果做出了成效显著的贡献,如罗兰的影片:"Joey"(幼兽) 以及 "The Neverending Story Part 2" ,他本人全身心地投入到影院片领域的事业,代表性的影片还有 "Asterix and the Big Fight" 以及 "Little Polar Bear Part 2"(小北极熊2),该片目前正在制作过程中.