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  李吉提 教授 Prof. LI Jiti


  学术报告时间:11月13日 9:00—10:00 地点:501

  Lecture 13th Nov. 9:00—10:00 Location: 501



  Prof. Li Jiti,female, born in Yan’an City of Shaanxi Province, came to Beijing in 1949, graduated from the Composition Department of the China Conservatory in 1964 and worked there ever since, and was transferred to Central Conservatory of Music and worked in the Composition Department. As professor of music theory, she worked once as Director of Analysis of Musical Form Division and Vice Director of the Composition Department of Central Conservatory of Music. Also, she is the member of the 7th Musical Theory Committee of Chinese Musicians Association, professor of Modern Distance Education Institute of Central Conservatory of Music, guest professor of Shenyang Conservatory of Music, specially invited associate chief editor of “Yuefu Xinsheng” the academic journal of Shenyang Conservatory of Music, editor of “Fujian Arts”, etc. Prof. Li is a musical theorist and an educationist that enjoys special government allowance.

  She has successively issued academic articles in national core academic journals and the academic journals of music conservatories and schools of arts, such as the Research of Music, People’s Music, Academic Journal of Central Conservatory of Music, Arts of Music and the Span.





  Topic: More deep the root is, more flourish the leaf is

  -- Comments on Analysis of Chinese Contemporary Music


  Western music and Chinese music share similarities, yet they have differences. Since mankind are similar to each other to some extent, it is a natural and undeniable fact that there are similarities among music of different styles, and therefore people from different background or ethnic groups could possibly communicate with one another. However, there are obvious differences in the emergence and process among different races, and it would be unbeneficial to the multicultural development in the world if disdain these differences.

  The uniqueness of traditional Chinese music has influenced contemporary Chinese music composition. We should approach new thoughts and events based on both Chinese and Western musical cultures. There is no eternal music theory for analysis in the world. Time changes, so does the music analyzing theories and techniques. The geological difference in culture has resulted in the diversity of music analyzing theories. It is necessary to concern with any new thoughts and features presented in contemporary Chinese music compositions, which will be elaborated in detail with specific compositions.

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