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  FMA 音乐会 FMA Concert

  现代木管重奏作品音乐会 —— 木管五重奏大师班

  Contemporary Works for Woodwind Ensemble

  时间: 11月11日 七点半 地点:201

  Time: 19:30 11th Nov. Location: 201

  曲目 Program:

  Berio, Ligeti, Mark Andre, Scelsi, Stockhausen etc.

  大师班教授 妮娜•杨森

  Professor of Master Class : Nina Janßen





  Nina Janssen was born in Cologne in 1972 and has become one of the leading clarinettists of her generation. She studied at the prestigious Hans Deinzer School in Hannover and concluded her studies with the concert examination.

  The highly-acclaimed musician has performed solo and chamber music concerts at venues around the world.

  She has received first prizes at the "Jugend musiziert" competition, the German Music Competition, and the International Chamber Music Competition in Osaka, Japan. Nina Janssen has received scholarships and grants from the German National Merit Foundation, the Mark Brandenburg Cultural Conference, the Marie Luise Imbusch Foundation, the Schumannhaus Bonn and the International Association of Wagner Societies.

  In addition to her classical-romantic repertoire, the clarinettist is strongly devoted to contemporary music and has been a member of Ensemble Modern since 2006. Janssen also specializes in performing the classical repertoire with historical clarinets.

  Nina Janssen's performances have been recorded by practically all the major German radio and TV stations and several foreign broadcasters, as well. Her works are available on CD, including pieces she has performed with the Ensemble Modern and the Delos Quintet on ars musici.

  She is currently a lecturer at the International Ensemble Modern Academy and the Academy of Music in Frankfurt. She has also guest-lectured at the University of the Philippines in Manila, the Azerbaijan State Conservatory in Baku, the Sangat Festival in Bombay/India, the International Clarinet Course in Prades/Spain, and has given lectures on behalf of the Goethe-Institut at music academies in Cordoba, Argentina, La Paz, Bolivia, and Curitiba, Brazil.

  Nina Janssen lives together with her husband Hans Deinzer for part of the year in a small mountain village between Milan and Genoa, and the rest of the year in Frankfurt am Main.

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