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  FMA讲座学者 FMA Visiting Professor

  简巧珍 博士 Dr. Chiao-Zhen Jian


  学术报告时间:11月12日 15:30—16:30 地点:501

  Lecture 12th Nov. 15:30—16:30 Location: 501


  Chiao-Zhen Jian was born in Taiwan, Nantou County, and graduated from the Department of Diplomacy of National Chengchi University, and earned a Master degree from Music Research Institute of National Taiwan Normal University and a Ph.D. of Music Musicology from China Central Conservatory of Music. She is currently teaching at the National Taiwan University of Arts, Tainan National University of the Arts, and the Art Institute of National Cheng Kung University. She has hosted a number of research projects, including CCA (Chinese Culture Association). In addition to teaching and research work, she has hosted a number of research projects of CCA, participated in cross-strait music Conference and publishing research results, and have written essays, critics and a series of articles for domestic music magazines and newspapers. She has published books including "The track of the music development of Taiwan in 20 century after 1960", "Taiwan Hakka composers", "Wang Pei-Lun – the pioneer of music dictionaries ", and "Xiao Er-Hua – a solitary music man with fame in public " .





  Topic: Innovation rooted on tradition - Aspect of music composition in Taiwan


  The main creation concept that Asia composers tried to explore since the mid-twentieth century is rooted in national tradition."Cultural China" was once deeply impinged in the minds of Taiwanese composers as sound resources and musical ideas. As time went by and the local culture rose, it has become the pursuit for more composers to ruminate over the Taiwanese tradition and apply it to their creations. The topics will cover the blending and transformation between “cultural China" and "Local Taiwanese" to explain the context of Taiwan's musical development, as well as to demonstrate the diversity and richness under the development, including songs, instrumental music and National repertoire.

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