搜狐娱乐 > 戏剧 drama > 第二届芭蕾创意工作坊晚会 > 闻《芭蕾创意工作坊》

《芭蕾创意工作坊晚会》简介 2010年启动





  An Evening of Ballet Workshop

  Borrowing the form of workshop, the National Ballet of China is organizing an evening of interesting and original ballet creations, an initiative of brainstorms and free expression for more young people. This is what we call An Evening of Ballet Workshop.

  Under the direction of its artistic director Madam Feng Ying, the National Ballet of China started its first workshop project in April 2010. It was a brand new experiment over the past a few years, aiming to build a sustaining path for ballet choreographing. While collaborating with various international choreographers, the company also dug up its own potentials, building up a perfect stage for young dancers to grow and make their characters.

  The form of Workshop is very popular to play and dance overseas for artistic exchange and choreographies. It has also become the synonym of innovation and enterprise. After the Ballet Workshop 2010, the company’s effort and experiment was widely praised by all kinds of communities. A few young choreographers made their debuts with exceptional dance pieces. Director Feng Ying has declared from the very beginning: We will stick to the form of workshop for one year, two years and even ten years…

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