南非文化艺术团由来自多个艺术团体的优秀演员组成,将为观众展示来自索托 、茨瓦纳、尚加纳、科萨和祖卢等南非部落的传统歌舞,其音乐节奏强烈多变自由奔放,其舞蹈姿态优美动感十足。在“非洲部落”的传统表演上,少女们身着色彩艳丽、饰有彩珠的祖卢服饰,勇士们则身着并头裹真正的兽皮。
Cultural Art Ensemble of South Africa
Thanks to its context of pluralistic cultures, South Africa has developed musical and dance traditions with both historical continuation and modern diversity. In particular, its black people demonstrate stunning capability for artistic expression and rhythm control in musical and dance interpretation. They are also specially talented for harmony singing.
The group consists of outstanding artists from different arts groups. Featuring the traditional song and dance routines of the Southern African tribes including the Sotho, Tswana, Shangaan, Xhosa and Zulu, its traditional African Tribal show is presented with maidens dressed in brightly colored, beaded Zulu costumes while warriors come clad with authentic animal skins on both their bodies and head dresses. The show, suitable for practically any African themed event, is fast moving and action packed.