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青年戏剧导演,三拓旗剧社创建人。毕业于中央戏剧学院导演系本科班,后考取导演学硕士学位,师从美国方法派戏剧专家姜若瑜教授。“哀伤的幽默”和“精彩的想象”是赵淼戏剧的独特风格,展现“身体的诗意”是他的追求与探索。他的创作深受法国戏剧大师雅克﹒勒考克的戏剧观念和方法影响。主要编导作品:《战争与人》,《伊库斯》,《达人未爱狂想曲》,《6: 3》(I,II,III),《2008罗密欧与朱丽叶》,《东游记》,《壹光年》等。发表论文:《雅克﹒勒考克和形体戏剧》,《诗意的身体:向雅克﹒勒考克致敬》,《雅克﹒勒考克式的形体戏剧》。
Zhao Miao (Director):
A theatrical Director, founder of Theatre SanTuoQi. He holds a BA and MA in Theatre Directing at Central Academy of Drama, and he was an excellent student of Professor Jiang Ruoyu, who is an expert of American Method Acting. The “sad humor” and “fantastic imagination” build the unique trait of Zhao Miao’s stage works. To set out “the moving body” is his quest and pursuit. His works are profoundly influenced by the French theatrical master: Jacques Lecoq. Zhao Miao’s works are receiving more and more approving and praising voices from audience.
Major Stage Works:
War and Human Beings, Equus, Love Tales, 6:3 (Ⅰ, Ⅱ, Ⅲ), 2008 Romeo and Juliet, On the Road, Light, etc...
Major Published Articles:
“Jacques Lecoq and Physical Theatre”, “The Moving Body: Tribute to Jacques Lecoq”, “Jacques Lecoq’s Physical Theatre”.