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娱乐频道 > 戏剧 drama > 美国保罗-泰勒现代舞团中国巡演 > 相关介绍





  Set to three keyboard works by Bach as richly orchestrated by Stokowski, Promethean Fire examines a kaleidoscope of emotional colors in the human condition. All 16 Taylor dancers, costumed in black, weave in and out of intricate patterns that mirror the way varied emotions weave themselves through life. A central duet depicts conflict and resolution following a cataclysmic event. But if destruction has been at the root of this dance, renewal of the spirit is its overriding message. A program note quotes Shakespeare, from Othello: Promethean fire “that can thy light relume.”

  “A 25-minute maelstrom of controlled energy flooding the stage with an economy, passion and invention that reaffirms Taylor’s mastery`` – it belongs on any short list of his great dances.” Anna Kisselgoff, The New York Times

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