> 2015北京国际作曲大师班 > 闻2015北京国际作曲大师班
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第3页 :特聘教授:陈怡


  著名女作曲家陈怡博士1953年出生于广州,毕业于北京中央音乐学院(师从吴祖强教授)及美国纽约哥伦比亚大学(师从周文中教授和达维多夫斯基教授)。她将东西方文化融会贯通、打破传统疆界,从而创作出的大量独具特色的管弦乐、室内乐及合唱作品在全球广为公演及录制唱片。对其音乐作品的众多创作理论分析文章曾登载于中国、美国和欧洲的专业音乐刊物或作为学位论文和学术著作发表。陈怡现任美国密苏里大学堪萨斯城校区音乐舞蹈学院杰出讲座教授。她曾获美国国家文学艺术院颁发的艾夫斯作曲家大奖,并于2005 年入选美国国家文理科学院终身院士。2006年和2012年先后受聘上任北京中央音乐学院教育部长江学者讲座教授和天津市千人计划、天津音乐学院特聘讲座教授。

  As a prolific composer who blends Chinese and Western traditions, transcending cultural and musical boundaries, Dr. Chen Yi was born in 1953 in China. She is Distinguished Professor at the Conservatory of Music and Dance in the University of Missouri-Kansas City, and a recipient of the prestigious Charles Ives Living Award from the American Academy of Arts and Letters. Her music is published by Theodore Presser Company, commissioned and performed worldwide by such ensembles as the Cleveland Orchestra, the St. Paul Chamber Orchestra, the BBC Symphony and the Royal Philharmonic, the Seattle, Pacific, Singapore symphonies, the Stuttgart Chamber Orchestra and Sachsische Staatskapelle Dresden, recorded on Bis, New Albion, New World, Teldec, Albany, Bridge, Naxos, and many labels. She has received bachelor and master degrees in composition (1983 and 1986) from the Central Conservatory of Music in Beijing, and Doctor of Musical Arts degree (1993) from Columbia University in New York. Major composition teachers are Profs. Wu Zu-qiang, Chou Wen-chung and Mario Davidovsky. She has been inducted into the American Academy of Arts and Sciences in 2005, and appointed to the Cheungkong Scholar Visiting Professor at the CCoM in 2006, and Distinguished Visiting Professor of Tianjin Conservatory in 2012.

yule.sohu.com true 搜狐娱乐 https://yule.sohu.com/20150724/n417447304.shtml report 20267 讲座教授:李吉提李吉提李吉提,1964年毕业于中国音乐学院作曲系并留校工作。1973年起,历任中央音乐学院作曲系教授、博士生导师、作品分析教研室主任;中国音协第



