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  克莱格在英国电视上家喻户晓,在BBC播出的严肃点来跳舞一剧中成名。现在他和克莱尔•布鲁,比利贞皇家剧院建立了《六周六堂舞蹈课》一舞蹈剧, 克莱格为伦敦剧场区West End上映的《买,买,买》和伦敦皮卡德里剧院上映得《你是唯一》两剧编舞, 由此他获得奥利佛奖最佳编舞奖, 他协助 完成爱德华王子剧院上映的《马丁•格尔》编舞工作而获得奥利佛奖。

  Craig Revel Horwood


  Craig is a well known face on British television, on which he notably presents the “StrictlyCome Dancing” show on the BBC. He currently stages the dances of the play “Six Dance Lessons in Six Weeks” at the Royal Theatre, with Claire Bloom and Billy Zane.Craig has largely contributed to the West End scene with the plays “Spend, Spend,Spend” and “My One and Only” in the Piccadilly Theatre, for which he was nominated in the Best Choreography category in the Olivier Award. He assisted Bob Avian for the choreography of “Martin Guerre”, produced in the Prince Edward Theatre and which won an Olivier Award. Craig staged the show “Bonheur” in the Lido and imagined the choreography of “Glanzlichter”, which is currently played in the Friedrichstadtpalast in Berlin. He also did the choreography for the Kurt Weill opera, “Der Kuhhandel” for the Autrian festival of Bregenz, directed the opening ceremony of the Commonwealth games, in Manchester, and staged “Il était une fois, la vie de Hans Christian Anderson” for Endemol/Initial TV, a worldwide live broadcasted concert in Copenhagen.


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