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毕业于上海外国语大学并获得汉语及欧美语言文学双学士学位;自16岁起师从上海音乐学院李苏友教授学习声乐;毕业即赴美国加州州立大学音乐系任访问学者;同年于好莱坞录制完成中英文双语专辑《影子作品壹号:关雎》并在全美发行;之后相继在加州大学帕克莱分校和罗斯福大学学习戏剧及音乐舞台剧表演并获硕士学位;曾参加芝加哥舒伯特剧院、斯戴芬·沃尔夫剧院及第二城喜剧剧院的演出;2004年回国后与上海交响乐团等合作在上海大剧院举办系列爵士乐及音乐剧作品演唱会;主演上海真汉剧场的音乐话剧《与陌生男人喝酒》;在中福会上海儿艺的歌舞剧《挑战3对3》中担任主角;唱片《影子演唱的百老汇音乐剧经典选段》作为中国首张音乐剧演唱专辑出版;在上海艺海剧院成功举办《夜之歌——影子百老汇金曲演唱会》;2005年在北京创建了中国第一家专业音乐剧沙龙及音乐剧民间机构摩登影子音乐剧演员工作室 4月首演中国大型原创音乐剧《金沙》于北京保利剧院。由她出演或创作并演唱音乐的影视剧作品包括《暴雨梨花》、《夜上海》、《月上海》、《大马帮》、《生死卧底》、《鸳鸯错》、《天边外》等。2005年起受聘担任中央美术学院公共艺术系客座教授。迄今为止已出版有《摩登影子》、《三千下——一个百老汇女孩的母语朝圣》等文集,并参与主持《天下女人》、《锵锵三人行》等电视节目。有关影子的更多演艺动态及作品欣赏可登录至影子的个人官方网站https://www.modernshadow.com作进一步查询。


  Shadow was born in Shanghai and graduated from the Shanghai International Studies University with two Bachelor Degrees in Chinese Language and Literature and also English Language and Literature. Since the age of 17 she has taken vocal classes from Professor Li Su-you from the Shanghai Conservatory of Music. In 2000 she was invited to California State University’s Music Department as to be visiting scholar. At that time, she completed recording her first international album, “Shadow op.1: Go East”. Following that she went on to study Drama and Musical Theater Performance at the University of California Berkeley and Roosevelt University in Chicago. She participated in various performances at Schubert Theater, Steppen Wolfe Theater and Second City Theater. Since returning to China at the end of 2003, she has cooperated with national-level music groups such as the Shanghai Symphony Orchestra in several concerts hosted by the Shanghai Grand Theater. Later she appeared in “Drinking with the Strangers”, an Off-Broadway style theater production which was China’s first attempt at creating it’s own musical. She also played the leading role in “Challenge 3 vs. 3”, a new musical produced by the Children Theater in China. In 2004, “Shadow at Broadway”, her album of excerpts from Broadway musicals was released by the Shanghai Audio-Visual Press, and it is the first recording of the Broadway music in China. In April 2004 she held 2 successful personal concerts in Shanghai. In 2005 she founded the first musical organization in China, the Modern Shadow Musical Workshop in Beijing. She acted as the leading role in the new musical Jin-Sha, which has its debut at Beijing’s Poly Theater on April 2005. As a famous writer, she has her columns in several magazines and newspapers, and so far she has already published two books. For more information about Shadow enter her official website at https://www.modernshadow.com.

  影子音乐剧脱口秀 “关于音乐剧”


  回忆 选自音乐剧《猫》

  阿根廷,别为我哭泣 选自音乐剧《艾维塔》

  一个眼神 选自音乐剧《日落大道》

  为我的所爱而活 选自音乐剧《巴黎圣母院》

  爵士就是一切 选自音乐剧《芝加哥》

  ABOU MUSICAL One Woman Talking Show starring SHADOW

  Shadow’s Repertoire includes

  Memory from the musical “Cats”

  Don’t Cry for Me Argentina from the musical “Evita”

  With One Look from the musical “Sunset Boulevard”

  Live for the One I Love from the musical “Notre-Dame de Paris”

  And All That Jazz from the musical “Chicago”




新片口碑好王家卫兴致高 称赞巩俐功力深厚(图)

谈到电影《The Lady From Shanghai》,王说女角仍是妮可-基德曼,但未知何时开拍。 而威尼斯电影节将委任张艺谋(张艺谋新闻,张艺谋说吧)为评审主席...

2007-05-23 09:40
用户:  匿名  隐藏地址  设为辩论话题



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