他所执导的短片获奖无数:《电视之作》进入蒙特利尔国际电影节、柏林国际电影节和卡罗维发里国际电影节的竞赛单元;《没有火箭的日子》获吉尼奖,并正式参选鹿特丹国际电影节;《哈兰和菲奥娜》和《捣蛋鬼》都是多伦多国际电影节的参赛片。他执导的故事片《七骗》在2004年圣丹斯电影节首映以后,受到极大关注,并且在洛杉矶Method Fest 电影节上获得最佳影片及最佳编剧奖。耶茨把导演《尼亚加拉旅馆》这部人物众多、线索错综的影片看成是自己导演生涯中的一个挑战。
Gary Yates
Yates' first short film, MADE FOR TV, which he wrote, directed and produced, was in Official Competition of the Montreal World Film Festival, the Karlovy Vary Film Festival and the Berlin International Film Festival. His second short film, WITHOUT ROCKETS, was nominated for a Genie Award and made the official selection of the Rotterdam International Film Festival. Yates' third short film, HARLAN AND FIONA, won a Golden Sheaf Award and was in the official selection of the Toronto International Film Festival. His next short film, THE BIG PICKLE, won a Blizzard Award and also made the official selection of the Toronto International Film Festival. His feature film SEVEN TIMES LUCKY, a noir/grifter/romance premiered to rousing ovations and critical acclaim at the 2004 Sundance Film Festival and won Best Picture and Best Screenplay at the Method Fest Los Angeles. Yates considered it a directorial challenge to do the film of NIAGARA MOTEL, working with such a large cast, so many characters and multiple story lines.