> 2015北京国际作曲大师班 > 闻2015北京国际作曲大师班
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第4页 :特聘教授:叶国辉

  叶国辉 作曲家、博士、上海音乐学院教授、上海音乐学院作曲系主任,中宣部“四个一批”人才,国务院特殊津贴专家。他的音乐语境涵盖了一种对声音及其所示属性的具有个性化的感悟,体现了对音乐本体、空间效果、中国元素以及现代音乐技术等多重因素的思考和融合。

  1994年,他为混声合唱队而作的《京剧印象》夺得“台湾省立交响乐团第四届作曲比赛”第一奖, 1996年的《新世纪序曲》和随后的《中国序曲》、《森林的祈祷》,分别在1997“迎香港回归交响作品评奖”、“2002台湾国际作曲比赛”、2004“全国第十届音乐作品[交响音乐]评奖”中获奖。2007年,他的《晚秋——为交响乐队而作》获德国“青年•欧洲•古典音乐节”委约作品唯一大奖——“欧洲作曲奖”,次年,作为该奖项的得主,他受该音乐节特别委约创作了2008德国“青年•欧洲•古典音乐节”主体曲《回声》,来自世界各地的所有参演乐团演奏了这首被欧洲媒体盛赞的“来自中国的号角”。

  叶国辉曾在匈牙利李斯特音乐学院留学,去过达姆斯塔特,应邀在法国里昂进行电子音乐方面的工作访问。在完成博士论文《库塔克(György Kurtág)的音乐创作及其观念》之后,他先后创作了电子音乐作品《声音的六个瞬间》和《频率20.009》。为胡琴而作的《声音空间II》是他基于电子音乐实验之后的非常有代表性的作品。其他主要作品还有女声合唱《早春》、室内乐《日落阳关》、《徒歌II》,大提琴协奏曲《致莫扎特》、琵琶与大型民乐队《听江南》、交响大合唱《拂晓之光》、女高音与乐队《望大陆》、《曲水流觞》和《乐舞图》等。近年来关注唐朝音乐的研究,尝试从唐传古谱及日本雅乐等的传承中,逆向研究并推导出中国已经失传的唐朝音乐的音响形态。其对《酒胡子》的研究及大型音乐作品《唐朝传来的音乐》在国内外获得了极大的反响。

  YE Guohui

  Composer, doctor of composition, professor and Head of the Composition Department of Shanghai Conservatory of Music. His musical language covers a characteristic perception of sounds and their attribute, reflecting the consideration and integration of various factors such as the nature of music itself, space effects, Chinese elements and modern music techniques.

  In 1994, his workfor mixed chorus won First Prize of “The 4th Composition Competition of Taiwan Provincial Orchestra”; his 1996 workwas awarded 1997 “Awards of Symphonic Works for the Return of Hong Kong”; the followingwon “The 10th Nationwide Musical Works [Symphonic Music] Awards”; and < The Prayers Come from the Jungles>, a 2001 work for voice and symphonic orchestra, won the 2nd prize of 2002 “CCA Taiwan International Composition Competition”; In 2007, his < Late Autumn for Orchestra > won the European Composer Award, the only Grand Prize for commissioned works of “young.euro.classic festival” in German. As the winner of this Prize, he was especially commissioned the Festival hymnfor Young Euro Classic 2008, which was performed by all the participating orchestras from all over the world, and was highly praised as “fanfare from China” by European media.

  Ye has studied as a visiting scholar at Franz Liszt Academy of Music of Hungary; and has been to Darmstadt, and then finished his doctoral dissertation and also a monograph , In 2005, Ye has been invited to GRAME centre national de création musicale Lyon, France for a short term working visit on electronic music. And had a successful premiere of his electronic work at the same time. for Erhu is a very representative work after the electronic music experiments. Other main works include for female chorus, chamber music and , Cello Concerto , for Pipa (Chinese Lute) and grand Chinese orchestra, and symphonic chorus , soprano and orchestra works , , ,< Music from the Tang Court > for Asian Instruments Group, Vocal, Organ and Orchestra , etc.

yule.sohu.com true 搜狐娱乐 https://yule.sohu.com/20150724/n417447304.shtml report 20267 讲座教授:李吉提李吉提李吉提,1964年毕业于中国音乐学院作曲系并留校工作。1973年起,历任中央音乐学院作曲系教授、博士生导师、作品分析教研室主任;中国音协第



