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潘皇龙教授(资料图) |
两度荣获「国家文艺奖」,多次在德国「柏林爱乐厅」发表作品的台湾作曲家潘皇龙教授,1945年出生于台湾地理中心埔里镇。先后毕业于「省立台北师范学校」普通师范科 (国立台北教育大学前身)、「国立台湾师范大学」音乐学系。1974年荣获瑞士「茹斯汀基金会」全额奖学金赴欧深造,进入「苏黎世音乐学院」攻读理论与作曲,1976年毕业获作曲家文凭;尔后前往德国,进入「汉诺威音乐戏剧学院」,以及「柏林艺术大学」专攻二十世纪作曲法。1982年应刚成立的「国立艺术学院」邀请返国服务。潘皇龙教授曾于1998至1999年担任「校务研究发展中心」主任,兼「艺术与科技研究中心」主任;2000年至2002年担任「国立台北艺术大学 (前「国立艺术学院」改名)」学务长,于2002年膺选为音乐学院首任院长,并于2005年膺选连任音乐学院院长,任期至2008年止。
潘皇龙先生的作品,可区分为管弦乐曲、合唱/声乐曲、室内乐曲、传统乐器室内乐曲、东西乐器混合编制室内乐曲、击乐合奏曲、独奏曲、传统乐器独奏曲,以及改编作品等九大类。理论著作出版品有「现代音乐的焦点」、「让我们来欣赏现代音乐」与「音响意境音乐创作的理念」。有关潘皇龙先生的专书有罗基敏着「古今相生音乐梦」(时报出版社)、宋育任着「Pan Hwang-Long, Leben und Werk(潘皇龙生平与作品)Shaker Verlag」(德国沙克出版社)...。
潘皇龙教授曾获德国「尤根庞德作曲奖」、德国「音乐学院音乐创作比赛」作曲奖、台湾「吴三连先生文艺奖」、「国家文艺奖」、「行政院一等服务奖章」.‥等国内外奖项。 作品曾由国际著名乐团,诸如德国「柏林爱乐管弦乐团」、法国「庞毕度文化中心现代音乐室内乐团」、「国家交响乐团」、「国立台湾交响乐团」、英国「阿笛悌弦乐四重奏团」,「新日本爱乐管弦乐团」、维也纳「音响论坛室内乐团」、…等演出。以及荷兰「国际高德阿姆斯新音乐节」、「亚洲作曲家联盟/亚太音乐节」、「国际现代音乐协会/世界新音乐节」、巴黎「现代音乐节」、维也纳「现代音乐节」、「柏林艺术节」、、台湾爱乐(国家交响乐团)「新加坡、马来西亚吉隆坡巡回演出」、美国耶鲁大学「台湾论坛」、美国阿拉斯加「当代音乐节」与波兰「国际谭斯曼音乐节」等,在欧洲、非洲、美洲与亚洲各地演出。
Hwang-long PAN, two time Taiwan National art award, born in Taiwan in 1945 and graduated from National Taiwan Normal University in 1971 with a Bachelor of Arts in music. In 1974 Pan entered the Musikhochschule und Musikakademie in Zurich and study composition with Hans Ulrich Lehmann and theory and counterpoint with Robert Blum. After graduating in 1976, he studied composition with Helmut Lachen?mann at the Staatliche Hochschule fuer Musik und Theater in Han?nover and from 1978 to 1982, with Isang Yun at the Universitaet der Kuenste Berlin. In 1982 he returned to Taiwan and became associate professor at the National Institute of the Arts in Taipei. He has been a professor of composi?tion since 1991, director of research and development center from 1998 to 1999, Dean of Student Affairs from 2000 to 2002 and was elected to be Dean of School of Music from year 2002 to 2008 at the Taipei National University of the Arts (TNUA).
Pan is active in several prestigious music associations. He has been a member of the Music Committee of the Council for Cultural Affair, which is the highest cultural policymaking organization in Taiwan. He is the founding president of the International Society for Contemporary Music-Taiwan Section and also is currently honorary president of ISCM-Taiwan Section. In 2007, He was elected to be Chairman of Taiwan Association of Composers and Asian Composers League-Taiwan National Committee. And reelected in 2010. In 2012, He was elected to be Chairman of Asian Composers League in Israel. In 2014, He was elected to be honorary chairman of Taiwan Association of Composers and Asian Composers League-Taiwan National Committee.
Pan was the winner of the Foerderpreis des Juergen Ponto Kompositions-Wettbewerbs (1979), the Wu San-lien Award (1987) and Taiwan's National Arts Award (1992, 2003). His compositions have been performed by numerous ensembles including the Oesterr. Ensemble fuer Neue Musik (1980-), the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra (1982), the Ensemble InterContemporain /IRCAM (1983), Philippine Philharmonic Orchestra (1985), Ju Percussion Group (1986-), Taiwan National Symphony Orchestra (1987-) the Arditti String Quartet (1988), the New Japan Philharmonic Orchestra (1989) the Shanghai Symphony Orchestra (1990), Contemporary Chamber Orchestra Taipei (1995-), the Kroumata Ensemble (1996), Forum Music Group (1996-), China Found Music Workshop (1996-), Trio Staege-Grimmer-Holliger (1999), ALEA III (1999), Boston Modern Orchestra Project (2000), Klang Forum (2004), Taipei Percussion (2005) and International Gaudeamus Music Week (1980), ACL/APMF (Hong Kong 1981, Taipei 1986, Tokyo 1990, Seoul 1993, Taipei 1994, Taipei 1998, Hong Kong 2007, Seoul 2009, Taipei 2011, Singapore 2013), ISCM/WMD (Hong Kong 1988,Warsaw 1992, Bucharest 1999, Luxembourg 2000, Yokohama 2001, Bern 2004, Hong Kong 2007), Presences (Paris 1996), Hoergaenge Wien (2000), Berliner Festspiele (2002, 2004), Warsaw Music Gardens Festival (2006), Taiwan Philharmonia Malaysia-Kuala Lumpur tour (2007), Alaska Crosssound Music Festival (2009) and A. Tansman Music Festival (2010)…
(潘皇龙/ Hwang-long PAN)