在导演艺术领域,先后导演话剧《未成年》《安妮日记》《新娘》《父亲的辫子》《1857白房间》《草的儿子》《夏娃的火车》,获得社会各界一致好评。指导学生排演了《渴求》(英/萨拉•凯恩)《你在想什麽》(墨西哥/哈维尔• 维劳路蒂亚)《封锁》(张爱玲)《赵氏孤儿》(田沁鑫)《牵牛花破坏案》(易卜生)《最后一个情圣》等。
Ji Pei
A teacher from The Central Academy of Drama, Department of Directing
In directing field, Ji Pei has directed many excellent drama such as [The Minors],[The Diary of Annie][The Bride][Father’s Braid] [1857White Room][The son of the Grass][Eve Train],etc, which have won public approval. She has guided students rehearsing [Thirst][What Are You Thinking][Blockade][Orphan Zhao][Morning Glory Undermine Case][The Last Casanova],etc.