1.Preparing, a kind of status, usually has accurate direction. While, preparation as a kind of unstable status is the only procedure before reaching the direction. When more directions are coming up, preparation become all-time preparation. When we were little kids, preparation only could be used to sing the Young Pioneers’Song, but now it is the common life status: preparing to buy houses all the time, preparing to pay the credit loan, preparing to promote, preparing to earn more money and preparing to earn money faster, etc
We have to peraring for things all the time because our directions are always coming up. Preparation gives us more and more beautiful life, then, we fall victims to preparation unconsciously.
2.Of course, Preparatoin means more posibilities. The work starts from a lump of dough, then the action of kneading and plucking the dough shows many times, it tell us the status of falling victim to perartion. While, one is not only falling victim to preparation by the outside world, but also falling the victim by the no-limited desire from his own inside world.
Under the splendid and beatiful society paint, Lining’s “Made in J-town” gave us an opportunity to watch the paint from the bottom and tell us that the most valuable beauty is in the common life of common people. Maybe they are not important, but they are the origin of the paint as little rivers. Only in the front of the all-time-prepared big events, they always are neglected and even disinherited.
Preparing is care about the social atmosphere, including the basic life style, communication space and social organization and so on as representative local human atmosphere. While, it is ruined by morden industrial atmosphere.
3.Under the personal Preparation and social Preparation combining with each other, the line of preparation and falling victim to preparation is becoming vague. When society is developing faster and faster to a non-stopped end, the line of Preparation and Direction is becoming vague. When Preparation and Falling victim to Preparation are becoming our main concerns, who can tell us that we are richer or more unstable. So, why should we have Preparation? It is a bloody question.
It is good that Preparation is not question, but a self express with a kind of care. Sometimes, the dramatic work is just fresh air in the heavy life, like the dance with freedom at the end of this work. Maybe the answer is here.
This work is very unique, it is a life show which combines with drama, body language, behavioral art and cooking skills, etc. The audince will have a all-side feeling for the sense of sight, hearing, taste, touch and action.
2009 Shanghai Mecooom Autumn Harvest Drama Festival, 4-day Performance
2010 Belgium Gent Art Festival, 4-day Performance
Mr. Yuanwei (critic from Shanghai):
It is good that "made in J town"'s "Preparing" is not about interrogation.Rather, it delivers the message of caring in an unpretentious way. Good drama works are not unlike the fresh air that diffuse into the heavy day-to-day routine. The solo dance at the end of the play is just like a free fish, swims in the sea of thoughts. And the answer lies within.
Comparing with the "Tape" by Li Ning last year, I like "Preparing" better. I tell friends, I see a different Li Ning, in a more stable state, orderly and more tolerate. There is too much thick sugar in our life. Li Ning now rolls, turns, and advances in it. He has become a fish, a big fish in people's heart. Li Ning has matured, this autumn. I wish him a een bigger harvest next year.
Mr. Wang Jing Guo
It was rather like watching a tide, a fall, a sunset, and hard to put into words. That was my feeling watching Lin Ning's new play "Preparing" today. The applause after the show lasted so long that it was not only a courtesy but also an expression of jolt. A professor couple, though not so familiar with the this kind of 'body language drama', waited patiently to meet the performer Li Ning after a passionate donation. They wanted to appraise him and encourage him.
副导演:王瑶 等人
演员:龚虎胜 秦磊 王瑶 徐浩 李凝 赵傻傻 田庆堂 丛军 赵东奎 于磊 等人
技术:王启鹏 等
凌云焰被称作“肢体游击队”,那么他们是在和谁作战?是和那种把理想不断压榨抽干,并且把人变为各种奴隶的 生活 在作战!
"Made in J-Town" is a professional art team actively involved in theatric performance and independent movies. Founded 15 years ago, they have won many acclaims and awards. They have been invited to many art festivals nationally and internationally. Their experimental works have also generated controversies.
"Made in J-Town" is also known as "body art guerrilla". Who are they fighting against? They fight against a life without ideal, against a life where people have been enslaved by daily demands.