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娱乐频道 > 戏剧 drama > 大型舞台剧《九幕·敦煌》 > 精彩图片




  Su Yue (Art director, chairman of the executive committee of large-scale theatre “Nine Acts·Dun Huang”)



  Su Yue is a famous musician, director of Music Copyright Society of China, member of International pops Institute and Chinese Musician’s Association, vice-president of Pop Music Institute of Chinese Musician’s Association, pre-president of Beijing Video & Music Publishing House, pre-art director of the Spring Festival Evening of CCTV. He takes up the post of director or committeeman of judge committee of important art competitions both in China and abroad for many times. His production won many awards in China and abroad and enjoys high reputations in the Music Circle of China.

  Main Productions: Sanguinolent Spirit, Loessial Highland,Ode of Hot Blood, Moon on Xilou, More Deeper My Love of you, More Serious of My heart Hurt, Never Give Up, Sisters and Brothers, Illimitable Love, Tens Years of Marriage etc.




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