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  探讨IPTV商业新模式 促进产业健康发展



  关键词:IPTV 商业模式 战略定位

  第一章 IPTV业务价值链分析

  一 IPTV业务价值链

  IPTV业务价值链中主要的环节由内容和应用提供商、内容集成商、电信运营商和最终用户组成(图1)。IPTV 内容提供商按业务定位的不同、可以细分电视节目提供商、视频点播内容提供商、互联网内容服务提供商、应用服务提供商等。内容服务商通过为电信运营商或内容集成商提供内容,以从电信运营商或内容集成商获得收益分成。而内容集成商通常负责频道的内容整合、频道的包装、营销等,电信运营商则利用固有的网络资源提供传输通道并和最终用户形成最密切的接触,承担用户服务的责任。

  图1 IPTV价值链


  价值链环节 主要参与者 举例

  内容提供商 电影制片厂,广播公司,其他提供者 阳光365,Universal, Disney,BBC,MTV,HBO

  内容集成商 专门的内容管理商(一些付费电视台开始进入这个领域) 上海文广,央视网络,各SP

  服务提供商/电信运营商 电信运营商,网络服务提供商,一些内容集成商 电讯盈科,法国电信,网通天天在线

  终端供应商 设备厂商 中兴、华为、UTSTARCOM、上海贝尔阿尔卡特


  二、 价值链主要环节之间的关系


  用户是整个价值链的最终环节,它接受运营商所提供的服务,实现服务的最终交换,给价值链的发展提供最根本的动力。IPTV 给用户带来一种新的电视娱乐、学习、生活方式。但在用户没有形成使用习惯和依赖性前,IPTV 服务对用户不是一种必须服务,用户的需求有效的方式去诱导和激发。用户价值能否实现的衡量标准,就是以适当的价格购买到市场上最好的娱乐或信息服务。用户觉得没有足够的价值,不愿意多付钱。如果运营商没有收入,就无力提供更好更多的服务。


  价值链环节 战略

  内容提供商 ² 连续不断地投资于新的内容和应用,从成功的产品中谋利² 控制频道播出以延长产品生命周期² 以内容捆绑等方式赢取客户

  内容集成商 ² 跟有实力和用户基础的运营商合作² 抓住高价值频道² 内容捆绑出售

  服务提供商/电信运营商 ² 聚集有竞争力的内容并提供不同的计费方式² 捆绑服务,并开发新的增值服务² 提高品牌知名度² 同内容提供商共同承担分险和收益² 同高价值内容提供商结盟² 捆绑语音、宽带接入和内容服务

  运营商和内容提供商的关系是价值链的最关键的环节。主导媒介拥有丰富的内容和节目资源,而满足不同用户的需求的内容和应用服务需求是IPTV 能否吸引和留住用户的关键。电信运营商必需依靠内容提供商的资源,丰富IPTV业务的内容,从而吸引更多的用户,同时降低自己运营的风险。

  电信运营商利用所固有的网络资源和电信支撑系统,整合行业内的资源,为用户提供丰富的IPTV 服务。毫无疑问,电信运营商是整个价值链的中心,它能否从IPTV 中获得益处,能否快速发展,能否用最小的成本给用户提供更多的服务,是整个IPTV 价值链运转起来、产业获得快速发展的前提和保证,只有运营商获得成功才能带来价值链各环节的更多发展机会,从而给推动产业的进一步发展,形成一个良好的生态系统。

  运营商应该积极推动IPTV 业务价值链的形成,建立合理的商业模式,实现价值的合理均衡分布,维持IPTV价值链的完整、和谐,促进产业的共赢,推动整个产业的发展。运营商要解决的是如何更充分的整合内容提供商和内容集成商的内容,如何进行利益分配。另外运营商还应与机顶盒厂商一起努力降低机顶盒成本,从而推动IPTV 用户的快速增长。

  第二章 国内外IPTV业务战略定位和业务模式选择



  一 IPTV业务的基本战略定位


  (一) 防御性战略


  a) 面临VOIP或宽带电话分流挑战的固网运营商;

  b) 面临有线电视运营商提供Internet接入竞争激烈的固网运营商;

  c) 面临激烈的价格竞争,客户流失率居高不下的运营商。


  (二) 进攻性战略

  十分看好IPTV的前景,把IPTV视为潜在的将来为企业带来巨大收入或利润的电信运营商通常选择进攻性战略。如加拿大的运营商Sasktel宣称,其将利用IPTV在3年内打破目前的电信市场格局的均势。像Telefonica 和 France Telecom等传统运营商都把IPTV看成未来长远的产生收入的新来源。



  (三) 防御与进攻结合的战略


  二 对应不同战略定位的IPTV业务发展模式







  图3 电信运营商IPTV业务发展模式的定位

  (一) “一视同仁”业务模式

  在该模式中,电信运营商采取一个开放的网络政策,向任何第三方SP/CP都仅提供传输通道和一些基本的附加功能。机顶盒通常采用租赁的形式向用户提供,由SP/CP自己负责他们的营销、定价和内容管理。在法国,这一模式被竞争性运营商Neuf Telecom和Free采用,这两家IPTV运营商都是很受欢迎的在宽带业务定价上很具攻击性的ISP。


  内容集成商通常会瞄准采用“一视同仁”模式定位的运营商,因为这一模式可以最大化内容集成商的潜在收益。按照“一视同仁” 的业务模式运营商只负责机顶盒和宽带接入,这就给了内容集成商很大的发展空间。


  (二) “战略伙伴”业务模式




  采用该模式的运营商可以清晰地分为两个阵营:传统运营商,如France Telecom、电讯盈科 和 Telecom Italia;和从一开始就把IPTV作为核心业务的专业的SP,如HomeChoice 和FastWeb。

  (三) “引领者”业务模式


  该模式的主要优点在于它使得运营商可以完全控制IPTV的投资风险,这意味着可以完全获取由捆绑和集成带来的收益。该模式被一些有线电视网络运营商采用,如欧洲的UPC和美国的Time Warner有线网络公司。然而,对电信运营商而言,由于在这一媒体和内容为导向的领域具有的经验技能和品牌较为薄弱,因此采用该模式的风险通常远远高出收益。但由于提供最大回报的可能,受进攻性战略驱使和已经具有强大内容背景的运营商会被这一定位于“引领者”的业务模式所吸引。

  第三章 选择适合国情的IPTV商业模式



  在目前国内宽带发展环境下,比较理想的商业模式是电信运营商与内容提供商达成战略合作伙伴关系,共同为用户提供有竞争力的节目内容,以高质量的节目内容当成IPTV 业务的核心竞争力,并且有效地细分客户群开发不同的付费频道来提高业务的粘性。面对庞大的用户群,除了建立合理的计价以及利益分配机制外,我们还需要共同建立高保障的内容安全机制。






  这种新兴的服务模式体现出运营商和用户之间的密切联系,运营商可为用户同时提供三种类型的业务,用户可以通过同一个终端或家庭网络中的不同终端使用业务。Triple-play是在新的市场环境中诞生的,不仅能够满足用户对话音业务的需求,同时也能满足用户对高端业务的需求。更重要的是,用户能够享受到业务捆绑所带来的资费优惠。如加拿大的MTS提供的MTS TV和DSL的捆绑服务的资费比两项业务费用之和降低了12.5%。Triple-play的模式在很大程度上促进了IPTV的发展,同时可以充分发挥综合业务的竞争优势,为运营商带来了持续增长的ARPU并降低用户离网率。如加利福尼亚小型独立电信公司 SureWest的住宅用户中约有60%订购了triple-play,同时该公司在03年的月平均ARPU达到103美元左右,用户流失率仅为2%。



  “逐步深入”包含两层意思,一是指在部分地市先行开展IPTV业务,而不急于在全国范围内推广。在一个或少数城市提供IPTV业务的复杂性要远低于在全国范围内的开展。法国电信目前只计划覆盖几个大城市;英国的Home Choice当前仅在伦敦开展业务。

  另一层意思是指逐步扩大IPTV的业务功能。IPTV 可提供视频点播(VOD)、电子节目指南(EPG)、Internet 访问、电子邮件、游戏、个人视频录制(PVR)、电视商务、VoIP、IM 等多种服务。服务提供商应该根据自己的能力和细分市场的业务偏好和、市场的成熟度有选择的部署IPTV 业务,在IPTV导入期视频点播(VOD)、EPG、Internet 访问、电子邮件是服务商首先考虑业务;随着IPTV 市场的成长,服务商可逐步推出游戏、PVR、电视商务等新的服务,满足市场需求。



  除了家庭用户外,IPTV 业务还可作为向大客户提供增值服务的解决方案之一。该市场可以细分宾馆酒店、商业企业、政府机关、学校等。而在行业用户中,宾馆酒店对IPTV 的需求是最强的,他们是IPTV 最有价值的潜在用户。因此在IPTV 导入期,除了针对家庭用户外,另外一个重要的目标市场是宾馆酒店用户,而该类用户对内容和网络质量要求更高,同时由于各大运营商都想争夺这一块大蛋糕,因此竞争也会更加激烈。根据酒店业用户的特征,建立合理的利润分成模式是吸引该类用户的最重要策略。


  从宽带业务发展的经验来看,用户对电信新业务的了解最有效的方式是亲身体验和家人朋友的推荐。对于全新的IPTV 业务,现场体验能让用户对IPTV 业务有更直接的了解,从而激发用户的需求。

  通过有选择的在社区开展现场演示活动是一种最有效的推广方式,运营商可以充分利用渠道的力量进行这种宣传活动。在有条件的小区可以设立代理点或与小区物业合作,建设IPTV 业务体验厅,让更多的用户亲身感受和体验IPTV 服务。

  Discussion on the New Mode of IPTV Business

  Promotion of Healthy Development of the Industry

  Keke Yang V. Director

  Net and Add-value business and career department, China Telecom Group

  Chapter 1: The Analysis of the Value Chain of IPTV Operation

  1. The value chain of IPTV operation

  The major tache of value chain of IPTV operation is composed of content & application provider, content integrator 、network operator and users. According to the difference of the operation orientation, IPTV content providers can be divided into TV program providers, video order program providers, TV program providers, video order content provider, net content service providers, application service providers and so on. Content providers gain profits from net operators and content integrators by offering contents for them. And the responsibilities of content integrators are the conformity of contents, the mode of channels, marketing and so on. Net operators take the responsibility of users service by taking advantage of the most consanguineous relationship between the connatural net resource transmission passage and users.

  2. The relationship between the main taches of value chain

  Content providers focus on the contents, and they expect to gain most investment profits, explore new transmission passage and ensure the content security. Net operators consider the improvement of the upgrade of service quality, ensuring the open of net passage, taking advantage of network capacity, and increasing the users’ income. Operators take care of how to attract users and increase ARPU of users, so what they care most is the transmission of contents and the most bound profit. Both content providers and net operators hope to gain the most profits, so the key is how to distribute the profits reasonably to gain mutual benefits. Users are the final tache in the whole value chain. Users accept the service provided by the operators, realize the final exchange of service and drive the development of the value chain. The relationship between operators and content providers is the most pivotal tache in the value chain.

  Chapter2: The Operation Strategy Orientation and Mode Choice of IPTV

  1.The Basic Strategy Orientation of IPTV Industry

  (1). Defensive Strategy

  Net operator protects other high income and profits industry by taking advantage of IPTV and takes advantage of IPTV binding marketing to help to increase the quotient of broadband market. This defensive strategy can face these fixed net operators as followed.

  a. VOIP or broadband challenge;

  b. CATV operator

  c. competitive operator

  (2). Offensive Strategy

  The operator thinks that IPTV industry is still at the beginning, If the operator can have the dominate status, then when IPTV becomes the mainstream industry, the operator can get a large profit.

  (3). Defensive and Offensive Strategy

  Besides recovery strategy and attack strategy, operators can use recovery and attack strategy. The operator who use this mode regards IPTV as a industry which can avoid its competitive descending. Meanwhile, the operator thinks that this industry has a bright future.

  2. The development Mode of IPTV Industry according to Various Strategy Orientation

  (1) Operation Mode of “Equal Treatment”

  In this mode, network operators adopt a open network policy, providing any third party SP/CP with transmission channel and some basic added values. The set-top boxes are provided to the user in the form of lease while SP/CP are responsible for their marketing, fixing price and content management. In France, this kind of mode is adopted by the competitive operator Neuf Telecom and Free, which are welcomed aggressive ISP in the fixing price of broadband operations.

  The biggest advantage of this mode lies in the fact that most risks are taken on by the content provider. However, this will also reduce the potential profit of operators, whose income are mostly limited in broadband using expenses, part of the expenses collected from content providers and some other expenses produced by added value services. Because of the low extent of the intervention by the operators and the various kind of content providers, it is hard to avoid the fact that the using of IPTV operation by users will become more complicated, which will cause the loss of a part of the users.

  (2) Operation Mode of “Strategic Partner”

  In this mode, the network operators will take an active stand in IPTV operations. Operators can have more opportunities to get the increase of income while at the same time they don’t have too many risks related to the permission of content. The operators choose one or more content strategic cooperative partner. The operators are responsible for the access of broadband, charging and operation management while the content providers are responsible for brand-new, fixing price of the content and other content strategies.

  For the operators, this kind of mode will produce more return than the mode of “equal treatment” because of more interventions. The major challenge of this mode is to find good content cooperative partner and form a clear cooperative partnership.

  (3) Operation Mode of “Director”

  Operators who are completely driven by offensive strategy will mainly adopted operation mode of “Director”, which is different from other modes in that the network operators buy out content permission and in some circumstance produce their own contents. The operators are responsible for brand-new, binding combination, marketing, charging, content permission and the cost for getting the user by their own. In some circumstance, as the control policy doesn’t allow the dominant network operators to become TV provider, this kind of mode is impossible.

  The major advantage of this mode lies in that it allow the operators to control the investment risks of IPTV completely, which means that they can wholly get the profit brought by binding and integration. However, as the network operators have little experience, skills and brand-new in this field which is oriented by media and contents, the risks of adopting this mode are far higher than profits. But because of the possibility of biggest return, operators who are driven by offensive strategy and equipped with relatively big content background will be attracted by this operation mode of “Director”,

  Chapter 3 Choosing IPTV Business Mode Conforming with the National Conditions

  1. Establish the strategic cooperative partnership & mechanism of content security and interests share

  Under the present condition of domestic broadband development, the relatively ideal business mode is that the network operators establish strategic cooperative partnership with content providers to provide competitive programs to users together so as to use the highly qualified program contents as the core competitive power of IPTV operations and fractionize consumers and open out different paid channels to raise the glutinosity of IPTV operations. Faced with large number of users, besides establishing reasonable mechanism of price-keeping and interests share, we should set up together highly-guaranteed mechanism of content security.

  2. Improve and upgrade basic broadband network

  The quality of IPTV is closely related to IPTV operations. Highly qualified IPTV need the bandwidth of more than 4Mbit/s. For example, more than 90% in Hong kong reach 6Mbit/s and its TV are transmitted on the band of 4.5Mbit/s while the rest bandwidth of 1.5M can be used as the internet accesses. For this kind of network, the cost of IPTV can be reduced largely.

  3. Adopting the triple-play Binding Distribution Strategy

  In the process of the popularization of IPTV, the foreign operators have accumulated some experiences. Currently, the foreign operators develop IPTV operations by adopting the mode of binging service, that is, providing triple-play service--binding of voice 、high speed internet accesses and IPTV

  This newly-emerged mode of service shows the close relation between operators and users. Operators can provide three kinds of operation to users at the same time while the users can use the operation by means of the same terminal or different terminal in family networks. Triple-play is developed in the new market condition, which can not only meet the need of voice operations but also meet the demand high-end operations. What’s more important is that the user can enjoy the favored expenses brought by operation bindings.

  4. Operation Development Strategy of “Gradually Penetrating”

  “Gradually penetrating has two-folded meanings----one is the development of IPTV operation in some cities instead of the nationwide popularization. The complicity of providing IPTV operation in one or a few cities is far lower than that of nationwide development. France Telecom has planned to cove some big cities at the present time; Home Choice of UK has only developed operation in London now.

  The other is to gradually enlarge the function on IPTV. IPTV could provide VOD, EPG, Internet accesses, E-mail, games, PVR, TV commerce, VoIP, IM and other kinds of services. The service provider should choose to dispose IPTV operations in accordance with their own abilities, operation preference of fractionized market and the mature degree of the market. VOD, EPG, Internet accesses, E-mail are the operations first considered by the operators in IPTV’s initial stages. As the IPTV grows, service providers could gradually provide games, PVR, TV commerce and other new services to meet the need of the market.

  5. Consumer Strategy Distinguishing Family from Industry

  For the family users, the usage threshold of operation should be lowered in terms of terminals and expenses combinations and more attractive programs should be provided than cable TV. Individualized channels and abundant operation contents are needed to attracted those users.

  Besides, IPTV operations could also serve as the settlement project to provide VIP consumers with added value services.

  6. The establishment of on-the-spot experience recreation place is the important approach to promote IPTV

  In the view of the experience of the development of broadband operations, the most effective way for users to know more about the news operations of the telecom is to experience by their own or be recommended by other family members and friends. For those completely new IPTV operations, on-the-spot experience can allow the users to have a direct understanding about IPTV operations so as to inspire users’ needs.

  After careful selection, some on-the-spot demonstrations in the communities are an effective way of popularization, by which operators can make the best of the power of channel to carry on this propaganda.


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