MTV出品系列动画片《逃亡兔》于搜狐视频首播 |
北京,2014年5月23日 —— 有这样两只兔子,一只天性乐观又有点儿萌呆,名叫浦京”,另一只执着又有些神经质,叫做“基里连科”,他们本在前苏联的监狱里服刑,鬼使神差又一起逃了出去,继而为了购买帆布鞋斗智斗勇,一路走来发生了各种莫名其妙又欢乐搞笑的故事 ——是的,这就是被广大中国观众所熟知的经典卡通形象“USAVICH(网络常用名:越狱兔或监狱兔)”。现在,“越狱兔“已由其制作公司维亚康姆国际传媒集团在中国正式注册更名为”逃亡兔“,并于2014年5月正式登陆搜狐视频,这是”逃亡兔“系列动画片官方版的正式首播。
Beijing, May 15, 2014 -- There are two rabbits called Putin and Kirenenko. Putin is good-natured and likes to have fun, while Kirenenko is persistent and somewhat neurotic. Both are serving sentences in a Soviet Prison, when they manage to escape. Along the way they have many strange and funny adventures. This is the classic cartoon that is well known by Chinese audiences,“Usavich” (known online as “Jailbreak Rabbit” or “Prison Rabbit”). Currently, “Jailbreak Rabbit”has been officially registered in China as “Fugitive Rabbit” by its production company Viacom International Media Networks and will begin to air on Sohu Video in May, 2014. This will be the official launch of the animated series “Fugitive Rabbit.”
虽然广大青少年观众对“逃亡兔“的形象并不陌生并且非常喜爱,但是对其幕后制作公司也许并不了解。”逃亡兔“由美国维亚康姆(NASDAQ:VIA, VIAB)旗下分支机构——维亚康姆国际传媒集团(VIMN)亚洲MTV频道制作,并在MTV日本等国家播出。《USAVICH逃亡兔》第一季2007年10月8日开始于MTV 日本的MTV FLASHER时段中播出。2006年入选文化厅媒体艺术节短篇动画奖,2007年入选渥太华国际动画电影节成人向电视动画奖。“将USAVICH这部受到儿童、青少年甚至是成年人广泛喜爱的动画片带入中国,我感到非常高兴!”维亚康姆大中华区总经理及副总裁陈伟文先生说,“关于MTV品牌,长期以来观众一直将我们定位为”音乐频道“,但MTV品牌的真正定位是为千禧一代的年轻人提供充满创意的先锋节目,构建精神文化家园。作为全球领先的年轻娱乐品牌,除音乐之外,我们也将不断为年轻观众提供如动漫、综艺、真人秀、电视剧集等更加丰富的节目内容。”
Although many young viewers know and love the series “Fugitive Rabbit,” they may not be familiar with its production company. “Fugitive Rabbit” is produced by a division of Viacom(NASDAQ:VIA, VIAB)—Viacom International Media Networks (VIMN) Asia’s MTV, and is broadcast in Japan and other countries. The first season of“Usavich” or “Fugitive Rabbit” aired on October 8, 2007 during MTV Japan’s program MTV FLASHER. In 2006 “Usavich” was nominated for the Cultural Affairs Media Arts Festival’s Short Animation Award, and in 2007 the series was nominated for the Ottawa International Animation Festival’s Television Animated Series Award for Adults. “I am excited to bring “Usavich,” an animated series loved by children, teenagers and even adults, to China!” exclaimed Chen Weiwen, CEO and Vice President of Viacom Greater China. “In the past MTV was always regarded as a 'music channel,' but now MTV is a pioneering channel that provides millennials with creative content. As the world’s leading youth entertainment brand, not only do we provide young audiences with music, we also constantly bring them other programming content, such as cartoons, variety shows, reality shows, and television series.”
对此,搜狐视频影视版权中心高级总监马可女士表示 “搜狐视频一直秉承着为我们的观众带来最热门内容的原则,去年和维亚康姆合作,将尼克儿童频道的新《忍者龟》系列动画片献给观众,这次我也期待着MTV的《逃亡兔》同样取得热播的好成绩。同时,我们期待着不断为观众们带来更多的国际精彩节目!”
Regarding the launch of “Usavich,” Ms. Ma Ke, Senior Director of Sohu Video said, “Sohu Video always strives to bring our audiences the most popular content. Last year, in cooperation with Viacom, we were able to air Nickelodeon’s animated series “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles” for audiences. I look forward to MTV’s “Usavich” enjoying similar success. We are also looking forward to bringing our audiences more exciting international programs.”
去年年底,维亚康姆国际传媒亚洲公司即与搜狐公司(“Sohu”, NASDAQ:SOHU)旗下的搜狐视频在在线视频点播和视频发行业务方面展开突破性合作,预计将为超过4亿的中国网络视频用户提供丰富多彩的节目内容。
At the end of last year, VIMN Asia and Sohu’s(NASDAQ: SOHU)Sohu Video experienced a breakthrough in video-on-demand and online video distribution, which is expected to provide more than 400 million Chinese users with rich programming content.
搜狐集团拥有搜狐公司(NASDAQ: SOHU)和畅游公司(NASDAQ:CYOU)两家美国纳斯达克上市公司,是中国最领先的新媒体、网络游戏、搜索及无线互联网服务公司,是中文世界最强劲的互联网品牌。“搜狐”在中国是家喻户晓的名字,也是2008北京奥运会互联网内容服务赞助商。搜狐为中国近5亿的互联网用户提供全面的网络服务,日均浏览量高达8亿,是中国互联网用户首选的门户入口。
MTV 是全球领先的年轻娱乐品牌。MTV触达全球5亿多家庭用户,它既是新生代年轻人、歌迷和艺人的文化家园,也是为年轻人提供创意节目的先锋。2003年4月, MTV经国家广播电影电视总局批准在广东成立24小时全天候播出频道,成为首批落地中国的国际电视品牌。目前,MTV中文频道已覆盖包括广东、香港、三星级以上酒店和涉外小区在内的1380万家庭用户。此外,MTV中文频道制作并发行的电视节目可触达全国范围内1.97亿收视户, 其中包括为广大观众所熟知的MTV天籁村、MTV真Live、MTV光荣榜和MTV超级盛典。 MTV中文频道还与中国知名的电视机构中央电视台于1999年推出了CCTV-MTV音乐盛典,与上海东方传媒集团于2003年推出了MTV超级盛典。2008年和2010年,MTV中文频道作为唯一入选的国际音乐电视频道,获准落地北京奥运村和上海世博园区,在奥运会及世博会期间为来自世界各地的观众提供精彩音乐节目。如欲了解更多信息,请登陆MTV中文网(。
维亚康姆国际传媒集团(VIMN)是维亚康姆集团(NASDAQ: VIA, VIAB)旗下分支机构,由许多世界知名多媒体娱乐品牌组成,如MTV,Nickelodeon(尼克少儿频道),Comedy(喜剧中心),BET,Paramount Channel(派拉蒙频道),VH1,VIVA,COLORS,Game One 和 Tr3s: MTV,Música y Más。维亚康姆品牌分布于全球170余个国家地区通过37种语言覆盖超过6亿家庭用户,为他们提供超过200个本地化节目和电视频道,以及550个数字媒体和移动电视终端。关于维亚康姆更多信息敬请登录,通过blog.viacom.com和可以随时了解维亚康姆最新消息。