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2009年06月05日10:59 [我来说两句] [字号: ]





  大卫-卡拉丁(David Carradine)传奇性格演员约翰-卡拉丁长子现全家人几乎都演员:包括弟弟基恩-卡拉丁、罗伯特-卡拉丁和迈克尔-鲍温女儿堪萨丝-卡拉丁和侄女伊娃-卡拉丁、外甥女玛萨-普雷姆顿等

  大卫-卡拉丁出生好莱坞大学时代旧金山州学院度过学习音乐理论和谱曲为戏剧系每年一度滑稽剧创作音乐时发现自己对舞台表演很有激情便加入当地莎士比亚剧团潜心磨练演技美国陆军服役2年后到了纽约当上一名商业艺术家百老汇和克里斯托夫-普鲁默同台表演《The Deputy》和《The Royal Hunt of the Sun》逐渐有了些名声后重返好莱坞电视系列剧《谢恩》(Shane)中露脸不久被好莱坞名导马丁-斯科塞斯看中其第一部好莱坞影片《Boxcar Bertha》中与芭芭拉-赫什对戏卡拉丁随后拍摄《功夫》(Kung Fu)奠定了好莱坞明星地位

  卡拉丁参与拍摄电影作品甚丰一共100多部剧情长片另外还有24部电视电影1部热播电视肥皂剧《功夫:续写传奇》(Kung Fu: The Legend Continues)1976年卡拉丁因哈尔-阿什比执导《Bound for Glory》中成功塑造了伍迪-古思里而获得全美电影评论委员会颁发最佳演员奖同时获金球奖最佳男演员奖提名1980年因《The Long Riders》获得美国影评界广泛赞誉电视剧《功夫》开播第一季就获得艾美电视奖7项提名其中卡拉丁获最佳演员奖提名1983年卡拉丁凭《Americana》法国戛纳电影节“导演双周”上获得人民奖;1985年凭《北方和南方》(North and South)再度获得金球奖提名

  卡拉丁其它主要电影作品还包括《Gray Lady Down》、《粗街陋巷》(Mean Streets)、《Bird on a Wire》和《铁环》(Circle of Iron)等近年来卡拉丁先后以《杀死比尔1》(Kill Bill: Vol. 1)和《杀死比尔2》(Kill Bill: Vol. 2)重返好莱坞影坛第4次获得金球奖提名


  -作为导演大卫-卡拉丁 David Carradine的电影作品(数量:3)莉齐.麦奎尔 "Lizzie McGuire" ------- (2001)

  Americana ------- (1983)

  You and Me ------- (1975)

  作为演员大卫-卡拉丁 David Carradine的电影作品(数量:196)Night of the Templar ------- (2008)

  Money to Burn ------- (2008)

  Fashion: The Movie ------- (2008)

  Tattoos: A Scarred History ------- (2008)

  Chatham ------- (2008)

  Richard III ------- (2008)

  Kandisha ------- (2008)

  Homo Erectus ------- (2007)

  The Trident ------- (2007)

  Through Your Eyes ------- (2007)

  Fall Down Dead ------- (2007)

  抢银行指南/如何抢劫银行 How to Rob a Bank ------- (2007)

  史诗电影/史诗大帝国/搞鬼大制作 Epic Movie ------- (2007)

  Blizhniy Boy: The Ultimate Fighter ------- (2007)

  Camille ------- (2007)

  Permanent Vacation ------- (2007)

  Being Michael Madsen ------- (2007)

  Life on the Road with Mr. and Mrs. Brown ------- (2007)

  狱中豪杰/猛男奸狱(台) Big Stan ------- (2007)

  奇袭宝藏 Treasure Raiders ------- (2007)

  终极行动 Final Move ------- (2006)

  Comedy Central Roast of William Shatner ------- (2006)

  My Suicide ------- (2006)

  The Last Sect ------- (2006)

  A-List ------- (2006)

  最后时刻 Last Hour ------- (2006)

  On the Set of 'Miracle at Sage Creek' ------- (2006)

  Miracle at Sage Creek ------- (2005)

  魔戒迷踪 Ringers: Lord of the Fans ------- (2005)

  The Ring Comes Full Circle ------- (2005)

  The Making of 'Miracle at Sage Creek' ------- (2005)

  左膀右臂 Brothers in Arms ------- (2005)

  The 62nd Annual Golden Globe Awards ------- (2005)

  Shaolin Diary: Back to the Beginning ------- (2005)

  Brothers in Arms: The Making of a Modern Western ------- (2005)

  谁敢来早餐/死亡与早餐 Dead & Breakfast ------- (2004)

  "Mondo Thingo" ------- (2004)

  杀死比尔2/标杀令2/追杀比尔2/谋杀比尔2:爱的大逃杀 Kill Bill: Vol. 2 ------- (2004)

  The Making of 'Kill Bill: Volume 2' ------- (2004)

  UnConventional ------- (2004)

  Max Havoc: Curse of the Dragon ------- (2004)

  Last Goodbye ------- (2004)

  "Danny Phantom" ------- (2004)

  Zen & Now: A Dinner with David Carradine and Friends ------- (2004)

  Hair High ------- (2004)

  Away from Home ------- (2004)

  German Expressionism ------- (2004)

  American Reel ------- (2003)

  AM & PM Tai Chi Workouts ------- (2003)

  "Wild West Tech" ------- (2003)

  杀死比尔/追杀比尔1/标杀令/谋杀比尔 Kill Bill: Vol. 1 ------- (2003)

  The Tao of Caine: Production and Beyond ------- (2003)

  The Making of 'Kill Bill' ------- (2003)

  From Grasshopper to Caine: The Making of 'Kung Fu' ------- (2003)

  Chi Energy Workout ------- (2003)

  The Outsider ------- (2002)

  Balto II: Wolf Quest ------- (2002)

  Modern Warriors ------- (2002)

  功夫片岁月 The Art of Action: Martial Arts in Motion Picture ------- (2002)

  Naked Movie ------- (2002)

  Wheatfield with Crows ------- (2002)

  G.O.D. ------- (2001)

  Largo Winch: The Heir ------- (2001)

  Out of the Wilderness ------- (2001)

  双面女间谍/女伪装者 "Alias" ------- (2001)

  Warden of Red Rock ------- (2001)

  The Defectors ------- (2001)

  Dangerous Curves ------- (2000)

  Down 'n Dirty ------- (2000)

  The Donor ------- (2000)

  "Queen of Swords" ------- (2000)

  By Dawn's Early Light ------- (2000)

  "Jackie Chan Adventures" ------- (2000)

  黄昏 Nightfall ------- (2000)

  "E! True Hollywood Story" David Carradine ------- (2000)

  "Crossing Over with John Edward" ------- (1999)

  黑暗尖兵 Shepherd ------- (1999)

  "The Late Late Show with Craig Kilborn" ------- (1999)

  Kiss of a Stranger ------- (1999)

  "Family Law" ------- (1999)

  The Puzzle in the Air ------- (1999)

  Natural Selection ------- (1999)

  Zoo ------- (1999)

  "Walking After Midnight" ------- (1999)

  敲开鬼门关 Knocking on Death's Door ------- (1999)

  Lovers and Liars ------- (1998)

  黑道传说 Sublet ------- (1998)

  Light Speed ------- (1998)

  The Effects of Magic ------- (1998)

  玉米田的小孩5 Children of the Corn V: Fields of Terror ------- (1998)

  An American Tail: The Treasure of Manhattan Island ------- (1998)

  Nosferatu: The First Vampire ------- (1998)

  The New Swiss Family Robinson ------- (1998)

  Masters of the Martial Arts Presented by Wesley Snipes ------- (1998)

  Martian Law ------- (1998)

  The Rage ------- (1997)

  Woof! Woof! Uncle Matty's Guide to Dog Training ------- (1997)

  Lost Treasure of Dos Santos ------- (1997)

  Full Blast ------- (1997)

  Last Stand at Saber River ------- (1997)

  逃狱风云 Macon County Jail ------- (1997)

  亡命特务 Dead Center ------- (1994)

  Frontera Sur ------- (1993)

  野战尖兵 Kill Zone ------- (1993)

  Animal Instincts ------- (1992)

  Roadside Prophets ------- (1992)

  邪灵入侵 Evil Toons ------- (1992)

  Waxwork II: Lost in Time ------- (1992)

  Night Rhythms ------- (1992)

  Distant Justice ------- (1992)

  Kung Fu: The Legend Continues ------- (1992)

  Derrick contre Superman ------- (1992)

  Double Trouble ------- (1992)

  Sundown: The Vampire in Retreat ------- (1991)

  The Gambler Returns: The Luck of the Draw ------- (1991)

  Field of Fire ------- (1991)

  Deadly Surveillance ------- (1991)

  Capital Punishment ------- (1991)

  Brotherhood of the Gun ------- (1991)

  Project Eliminator ------- (1991)

  Karate Cop ------- (1991)

  Night Children ------- (1990)

  机器特勤组 Future Zone ------- (1990)

  Midnight Fear ------- (1990)

  Martial Law ------- (1990)

  沙丘奇兵 Dune Warriors ------- (1990)

  Future Force ------- (1990)

  惊弓之鸟 Bird on a Wire ------- (1990)

  Think Big ------- (1990)

  The Cover Girl and the Cop ------- (1989)

  杀人武器 Sonny Boy ------- (1989)

  Wizards of the Lost Kingdom II ------- (1989)

  Try This One for Size ------- (1989)

  Nowhere to Run ------- (1989)

  The Mad Bunch ------- (1989)

  亡命小鸳鸯 Tropical Snow ------- (1989)

  Crime of Crimes ------- (1989)

  Crime Zone ------- (1988)

  电影惊魂 I Saw What You Did ------- (1988)

  Animal Protector ------- (1988)

  Warlords ------- (1988)

  Run for Your Life ------- (1988)

  Open Fire ------- (1988)

  Fatal Secret ------- (1988)

  Six Against the Rock ------- (1987)

  The Misfit Brigade ------- (1987)

  Heartbeat ------- (1987)

  Bad Girls in the Movies ------- (1986)

  正义之战 Armed Response ------- (1986)

  战俘大逃亡 Behind Enemy Lines ------- (1986)

  怒海狂烟 Oceans of Fire ------- (1986)

  Kung Fu: The Movie ------- (1986)

  The Bad Seed ------- (1985)

  邪恶 Jealousy ------- (1984)

  The Warrior and the Sorceress ------- (1984)

  On the Line ------- (1984)

  独行侠野狼 Lone Wolf McQuade ------- (1983)

  The Making of 'Lone Wolf McQuade' ------- (1983)

  Americana ------- (1983)

  翼龙 Q ------- (1982)

  Trick or Treats ------- (1982)

  Safari 3000 ------- (1982)

  The Best of Sex and Violence ------- (1981)

  Gauguin the Savage ------- (1980)

  长骑者 The Long Riders ------- (1980)

  云霄大追杀 Cloud Dancer ------- (1980)

  High Noon, Part II: The Return of Will Kane ------- (1980)

  Mr. Horn ------- (1979)

  A Look at Liv ------- (1979)

  Je te tiens, tu me tiens par la barbichette ------- (1979)

  Fast Charlie... the Moonbeam Rider ------- (1979)

  The Carradines Together ------- (1979)

  Circle of Iron ------- (1978)

  死亡潜航 Gray Lady Down ------- (1978)

  死亡运动 Deathsport ------- (1978)

  霹雳火 Thunder and Lightning ------- (1977)

  噩兆/蛇蛋 The Serpent's Egg ------- (1977)

  Cannonball! ------- (1976)

  奔向光荣/光荣之路 Bound for Glory ------- (1976)

  You and Me ------- (1975)

  夺命狂奔2000/死亡飞车2000 Death Race 2000 ------- (1975)

  穷街陋巷/残酷大街/狂暴黑暗街 Mean Streets ------- (1973)

  漫长的告别 The Long Goodbye ------- (1973)

  冷血霹雳火 Boxcar Bertha ------- (1972)

  功夫 Kung Fu ------- (1972)

  Maybe I'll Come Home in the Spring ------- (1971)

  多情红粉黑旋风 The McMasters ------- (1970)

  Macho Callahan ------- (1970)

  The Good Guys and the Bad Guys ------- (1969)

  双枪侠 Young Billy Young ------- (1969)

  Heaven with a Gun ------- (1969)

  The Violent Ones ------- (1967)

  Too Many Thieves ------- (1966)

  Bus Riley's Back in Town ------- (1965)

  Taggart ------- (1964)

  作为编剧大卫-卡拉丁 David Carradine的电影作品(数量:1) "E! True Hollywood Story" David Carradine ------- (2000)

  作为制片人大卫-卡拉丁 David Carradine的电影作品(数量:7)Richard III ------- (2008)

  Project Eliminator ------- (1991)

  Future Force ------- (1990)

  Crime of Crimes ------- (1989)

  Crime Zone ------- (1988)

  Kung Fu: The Movie ------- (1986)

  Americana ------- (1983)

  作为原创音乐大卫-卡拉丁 David Carradine的电影作品(数量:1) You and Me ------- (1975)

  作为电影剪辑大卫-卡拉丁 David Carradine的电影作品(数量:1)Americana ------- (1983)

  作为其他职员大卫-卡拉丁 David Carradine的电影作品(数量:1)云霄大追杀 Cloud Dancer ------- (1980)



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