淘气包马小跳 |
英文片名:Naughty Ma Xiaotiao
制片国和地区:中国 制片公司:中影动画产业有限公司
马小跳生下来就会跳,他父亲作为一个优秀的玩具设计师,从儿子的这一跳受到启发,设计出了风靡全球的 “跳跳娃”。小跳的父亲善于发明创造、富有独创性、对任何事物都很好奇。他的步调总是和其他人不一样,也许这就是他的魅力所在。 有的时候他是正确的,有的时候他也会犯错误,但是他总是非常有趣,每个故事似乎都能得到一个和解的结局,在这些故事中他总能吸取一些教训,别人也能从他这里得到经验。
Ma Xiao Tiao was born jumping and inspired his father, a toy designer, to make a jumping doll that became a sensation all over the world. He himself is inventive, ingenious, and full of curiosity and attitude. He is always slightly out of step with the behavior of others, which is the essence of his appeal. Sometimes he’s right, sometimes he’s wrong but he’s always interesting and each story has a reconciliation in which he learns a lesson or others learn from him. He is supported by a network of other characters that cross the spectrum of the exaggerated reality of a child’s life.