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娱乐频道 > 电影 Movie > 第11届上海国际电影节 > 评委信息

第十一届上海国际电影节 金爵奖评委名单


  比尔•奥古斯特 (丹麦导演)






  Bille AUGUST (Danish director)

  He was born in Denmark in 1948 and worked as a cinematographer on 14 movies and TV-features before starting his directing career. It was PELLE THE CONQUEROR (1987) which put Bille AUGUST firmly on the map of the international movie world. In 1988 it was awarded the Palme d’Or in Cannes and in 1989 it won the Academay Award and the Golden Globe as Best Foreign Language Film.

  The distinguished Swedish director Ingmar BERGMAN chose Bille AUGUST to direct his script which won Bille AUGUST a second Palme d’Or in 1992. AUGUST also directed two episodes in George Lucas’ TV-production THE INDIANA JONES CHRONICLE. Bille AUGUST’s films with an international cast included THE HOUSE OF SPIRITS, SMILLA’S SENSE OF SNOW, LES MISERABLES and GOODBYE BAFANA. In 1995 Bille AUGUST made the great epic turn-of-century movie and TV-series JERUSALEM. In 2002 Bille AUGUST directed his first theatre play DETAILS at The Royal Theatre in Copenhagen. It was highly acclaimed by theatre critics and also played in New York in February 2003.

  Apart from his numerous film awards Bille AUGUST has been honoured for his work as a film director with both the Danish and the Swedish Royal Order of Chivalry and the French order Chevalier dans l’ordre des Arts et Lettres.




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