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2008 (4th) New Zealand Film Festival in the People’s Republic of China


Eagle vs Shark (2006) - Feature Film


Film Duration: 93 Minutes



Lily is the quiet, awkward loner who doesn’t fit in anywhere - but that could change.

Jarrod is a warrior in his own world who thinks he’s brave and powerful and is blind to Lily’s adoration – but that could change.

Lily crashes Jarrod’s party, ends up in his home town and lands a leading role in his hell bent plan to beat up an old high school bully.

They tackle estranged family, stranger friends only to find the real foe may be in the mirror.

Eagle vs Shark delivers a poignant social punch about facing up to who you really are.

It’s about accepting the good, the bad and the honestly awful - and when that happens everything can change.


《老鹰与鲨鱼》 - 2006

片长: 93分钟


丽丽是一个非常安静的女孩, 可是笨的什么都干不了。

也许这一切是可以改变的。嘉罗特自以为他是一个英雄, 有着勇敢和魔力,他受到了丽丽的倾慕和喜爱。丽丽把嘉罗特的派对给搅黄了,在嘉罗特的老家,她与他一起策划了一剧, 把嘉罗特一个中学时代的小玩道臭揍了一顿。他们与各自的家庭疏远了. 只有在镜子里看世界。本片提出了一个令人深思的问题, 正视自己,面对现实,为人真诚才能够改变自己。


Out of the Blue (2006) – Feature Film


Film Duration: 102 Minutes



On November 13th 1990, in the small New Zealand seaside town of Aramoana, local man David Gray took a high-powered automatic weapon and shot dead 13 people.
It remains the worst mass murder in New Zealand's history.
As emergency services scrambled to reach Aramoana, a handful of young, under-armed local policemen risked their lives trying to find the gunman.
Terrified and confused residents were trapped in their homes for 24 hours, not knowing where David Gray was - or if they would become his next victim.
There were great feats of bravery on that terrible day - from ordinary people in the most extraordinary of situations.


《走出蓝色》 - 2006

片长: 103分钟



1990年报1113, 在新西兰的一个海边小镇内,当地的居民大卫.葛瑞, 残酷的枪杀了十三个人。这是新西兰历史上最严重的一次枪杀事件。 在等待警方增援部队和急救人员到来的同时, 几位持枪的民警冒着生命危险与暴徒进行了殊死搏斗。 被枪声吓的发抖,惊恐万状的居民们, 被困在家中长达二十四小时之久, 他们不知道枪手在那里, 自己会不会成为他的下一个目标。做为一个正常人, 他们在非正常的情况下, 表现出了超人的勇敢和坚强. 本片是一部歌颂勇敢顽强和生命价值的真实故事。
No 2 (2006) – Feature Film



The heart has gone out of Nanna Maria’s family. There are no parties – they don’t even fight anymore. Inspired by a dream of her childhood back in Fiji, Nanna demands that her grandchildren put on a big feast at which she will name her successor. The grandchildren reluctantly turn up, but as the day progresses their preparations unravel into chaos and an outraged Nanna calls the whole thing off. That’s when everyone realizes they have to pull out all the stops and give the crazy old lady what she wants, and what they all need. Infused with the heat and vibrancy of the South Pacific, No.2 is a big-hearted, exuberant story about what it takes to bring family together.



《第二号》 - 2006


片长: 113分钟


所有的心都飞离了玛瑞娅奶奶的家. 没有派对, 甚至没有争吵. 回想在婓济时孩子们的童年时光, 奶奶要求她的孙子孙女们组织一次大型的聚会. 在会上, 她将告诉每个人, 谁可以是她的继承人. 可是孩子们都不愿意来. 准备工作无法进行. 愤怒的奶奶取消了这次聚会. 于是, 孩子们顿觉醒悟, 为了使被激怒的奶奶转怒为喜, 他们决定重新开始. 按照奶奶的要求去做, 准备好自己想要的东西. 带着南太平洋的热情和浪漫, 本片以一个震撼人心的故事, 讲述了需要如何的努力, 才能和谐一个家庭.


The Tattooist (2007) – Feature Film


Film Duration: 91 Minutes



American tattoo artist Jake Sawyer (Jason Behr) explores and exploits ethnic designs from around the world. At a tattoo expo in Singapore, he glimpses the exotic world of traditional Samoan tattoo (tatau) in the work of the fiercely proud Alipati (Robbie Magasiva). Fatefully, Jake is attracted to Alipati's beautiful cousin, Sina (Mia Blake).
When Jake impulsively steals an ancient Samoan tattooing tool, he unwittingly unleashes a powerful angry spirit. Suddenly, his art takes on a frightening new dimension, exposing everyone he touches, including the feisty Singaporean Victoria (Caroline Cheong), to mortal peril.
Sensing the solution can only lie with the Samoans, Jake follows them to Auckland, where he runs into an old adversary, tattoo artist Crash (Michael Hurst) and a new one, the respected Samoan elder Aleki Va'a (David Fane).
His investigation takes him on a devastating journey into the dark heart of Pacific mysticism. There, Jake must recover his own soul if he is to save the woman he loves and escape with his life.




片长: 91分钟



美国纹身艺术家, 杰克.索亚, 走遍了世界, 寻求和探索各民族纹身设计图案. 在新加坡举办的世界纹身展览会上, 他发现了由阿力伯蒂的奇特创作图案- 萨摩传统纹身图案.大该是命里注定, 杰克很快就被阿力伯蒂的表妹, 萨妮娅所吸引. 当杰克毫不犹豫地偷走了古代萨摩纹身工具时, 无意中, 他释放了一个愤怒的幽灵. 突然间, 他的艺术创作走入了一个恐怖的空间. 没一个被他纹过身的人, 包括性格怪异的新加玻女孩, 维多丽亚, 都难逃一劫. 认识到解铃还须系铃人, 杰克跟着萨摩兄妹俩来到了新西兰的奥克兰. 在那离, 他遇到了老纹身艺术家克拉克和德高望重的萨摩老人阿力凯.维他. 他的调查结果把他带到了太平洋神秘感主一的黑色灾难中. 杰克必须复员自己的思想, 才能拯救他所爱的女人, 还原自己的生活.


The End of Golden Weather (1991) – Feature Film


Film Duration: 102 Minutes



On a 1930s beach, 12-year-old Geoff dreams of romantic adventures. But when he meets Firpo, he discovers the difference between fantasy and reality. Geoff Crome believes in miracles. He sees them every day on the beach where he lives in this last perfect summer of his childhood.
Despite his father's warnings, Geoff becomes friends with Firpo - a strange, skinny, magical character with a burning ambition to win the Olympic Games.
When Firpo accepts an impossible challenge to run a race on the beach, Geoff tries everything to help him win - body building, weights, diet, even prayer.
But Firpo scorns them all, convinced he will win with a miracle all his own.
Geoff so much wants to believe in Firpo's miracle that he sets himself against his whole world - his family, his community and finally, against the innocent dreams of his childhood.


《晚秋》 - 1991

片长: 102 分钟


1930, 在风景秀丽的新西兰海滩上, 12岁的杰夫梦想着罗蔓蒂克的生活. 很快, 他发现了现实和理想的不同. 杰夫.克罗来是相信奇迹的. 对这孩提时经常光顾的海滩, 这里发生的一切, 他以司空见惯了. 他需要刺激. 不顾父亲的警告, 杰夫很快成为了费博的朋友. 而费博是一个奇特的孩子, 他有着自己雄心壮志, 就是要参加奥林匹克运动会, 在划水比赛中夺奖. 当费博接受了挑战在海滩上举行赛跑比赛后, 杰夫帮助他进行体能训练, 并为他祈祷. 费博最终获得了胜利. 这使得杰夫认识到只要通过自己的努力, 就可以使奇迹发生. 为了追求奇迹, 他不顾家人的反对, 放弃童年的梦想, 意无返顾地成为了一个时代的叛逆者.

 Nothing Special (2004) – Short Film

Film Duration: 10 Minutes



Billy just wants to be ordinary. Mistaken as a child as Jesus reincarnate, he leads his life avoiding any kind of attention. But can he ever escape his most zealous devotee - his mother?


<寻常小事>-2004 (短片)


片长: 10 分钟




比利只想做一个正常的人. 自以为是耶苏化身的他, 试图在生活中躲避着一切. 但他永远也逃不过母亲的手心........



The King Boys (2006) – Short Film


Film Duration: 15 Minutes



A boy wrestles to resurrect his family's buried dream. Clinging to the memory of his father who never returned from the war, a boy suffers the moods of his shell shocked uncle. But when he uncovers a buried family legacy, the boy takes over his father's mantel in an effort to make his family happy once more.



《小黄帝》-2006 (短片)


片长: 15 分钟




一个男孩在为自己家庭沉积了多年的梦想而奋斗. 回想起他死在战场上的父亲, 男孩感受到为什么叔叔会在痛苦的回忆中挣扎. 当他偶然发现了家中保留的珍贵遗产时, 孩子决心继承他父亲的遗愿, 为找回家庭的欢乐,而做出再一次努力.


Hawaikii (2006) – Short Film


Film Duration: 11 Minutes



For a young Maori girl it’s the first day at school, first day without the security of her parents. Raised with Mäori culture as her basis she is about to enter a foreign environment with little or understanding of their culture nor they of hers. 

The anxiety of surviving or being accepted in this foreign world is so high that she suffers withdrawal.

For someone so young she is aware of adult things such as poverty and stress. She understands her family’s lack of material wealth and the economic limitations they live within.

Her father is a hard working man who provides as best as he can for his family but money is always tight. Employed as a railway worker he and his family live in a railway cottage in a railway community.  He has been raised in the old ways of Maori culture and raises his children accordingly. 

This family is not wealthy but they have something more valuable than money, they have love for each other and a love for their culture and its stories.



《早熟》-2006 (短片)


片长: 11 分钟



作为一个毛利族的小女孩, 今天是她第一天在没有父母的呵护下到学校上学. 在毛利文化和家庭背景下长大的她, 将跨入一个陌生的世界. 这个世界对她和她成长起来的文化知之甚少. 她渴望进入这个社会. 希望社会能够接受她. 但事实却恰恰相反. 在她童年的记忆里,她懂得了很多大人的事情, 如贫穷和压抑. 她知道家里很穷.尽管如此父亲努力去工作,但家里总是没钱. 父亲在铁路上工作.她的家就住在铁路职工小区. 父亲从小是在毛利文化和家庭教育中成长起来的. 虽然家里不富裕,但却拥有比钱更宝贵的东西, 相互的爱和富有的文化.


A Very Nice Honeymoon (2006)- Short Film


Film Duration: 10 Minutes



A Very Nice Honeymoon is a beautifully crafted 2D and 3D animated film about Jeff and Phil Simmond’s great grandparents Mariano and Elizabeth Vella who were on the steamer SS Wairarapa when it was wrecked on the coast of Great Barrier Island, New Zealand, in 1893. A romantic documentary.


《美丽的蜜月》-2006 (短片)


片长: 10 分钟



本片是一部二维和三维的动画片. 故事讲述的是本片导演杰夫和费尔.塞蒙特的祖父母, 马利亚诺和伊丽沙白, 1893年在乘坐瓦努瓦波的蒸汽火车上在新西兰的大障岛海边翻车的经过. 是一部爱情的颂歌.


Shadow Over the Sun (2006) – Short Film


Film Duration: 8 Minutes



A new mother in colonial New Zealand is visited by a tui in her garden, with the bird comes fear and hope for a new life.



《阳光下的阴影》2006 (短片)


片长: 8 分钟




一个在英属殖民地,新西兰, 生活的年轻母亲, 在她的后花园里与一只吐易鸟解后相遇. 自次以后, 在她的新生活中充满了怕和希望的悬念.

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