导演/Director 苏舟
影片片长/Runtime 40集
出品年份/Release Date 2008年12月
演员表/Cast 李幼斌 唐国强 杜雨露
In the year of 1949, a final decisive battle was launched between the Communists leaded by Mao Zedong and the Guomintang reactionary government leaded by Jiang jieshi. When the victory seemed to incline to the Communists, Mao decided to transform his troops to Beijing after the Xibaipo Conference. He proposed to the Party with worries tthat in the thousands of years of Chinese’s history, no dynasty has managed to escape the inevitable rule of “rise and fall”. The new government always disappeared as fast as it was founded. He put forward two slogans --- “we will never become Li Zicheng again” and “we are sure to jump out of this rule. The drama is based on that theme and it goes according to two main threats --- “the political cordination and democratic construction of the country” and “the honest style of work and government for people” of the Communists. The drama demenstrates to us the great changes happpening in 1949 in the course of the long history of China.
·东方红太 |东方红-搜狐博客 |
·Cold her |东方红--毛泽东 宣传画 |
·雨泽 |万人齐唱东方红纪念毛泽 |
·天地玄皇 |东方红 太阳升 中国出了 |
·红色经典 |唐洪亮在头发丝上微雕: |
·大能猫 |万人雨中唱响东方红 纪 |
·北京收藏 |《东方红-黄金版毛泽东 |
·寻迹传递 |【人物周刊】东方红& |
·商务礼品 |东方红太阳-毛泽东彩色 |
·商务礼品 |《东方红太阳》毛泽东彩 |
热点标签:刘德华 冯小刚 蔡少芬 快乐男声 朱军 赵薇 电影 大s 选秀 范冰冰 张柏芝 苏醒 郑钧 春晚 李湘 搞笑 明星