[提要] 在旧金山传递当天,著名华裔电影人、担任奥斯卡颁奖嘉宾的陈冲在《华盛顿邮报》上发表英文文章,客观阐述了自己作为一个海外华人对中国奥运会的切身体会。文章说奥运是条友谊的桥梁,而不是一个政治的竞技场,反对干涉奥运会,抗议诋毁中国。 |
奥运火炬如今在加州,今天(4月9日)将经过旧金山。旧金山市监事会议成员戴利(Chris Daly)在一项批评中国的决议中表示,针对火炬接力的抗议活动将“给旧金山民众提供一生难得的、帮助13亿中国人获得更多自由和权利的机会。”可幸的是,市长纽森(Gavin Newsom)并没有签署戴利的决议。
来源:美国《华盛顿邮报》 来源日期:2008-4-9
英文原文 Let the Games Go On
By Joan Chen
Wednesday, April 9, 2008; A19
I was born in Shanghai in 1961 and grew up during the Cultural Revolution. During my childhood, I saw my family lose our house. My grandfather, who studied medicine in England, committed suicide after he was wrongly accused of being a counterrevolutionary and a foreign spy.
Those were the worst of times.
Since the Cultural Revolution ended in the late 1970s, however, I have witnessed unimaginable progress in China. Changes that few ever thought possible have occurred in a single generation. A communist government that had no ties to the West has evolved into a more open government eager to join the international community.
A state-controlled economy has morphed into a market economy, greatly raising people's standard of living. It's clear that the majority of the Chinese people enjoy much fuller, more abundant lives today than 30 years ago. Though much remains to be done, the Chinese government has made rapid progress in opening up and trying to be part of the international community.Last month I went to China and spent four weeks visiting Shanghai, Beijing, Hong Kong and Chengdu. The people I met and spoke with are proud and excited about the Beijing Games. They believe that the Olympics are a wonderful opportunity to showcase modern China to the rest of the world. Like many Americans, most Chinese people are disturbed by the recent events in Tibet. But after watching the scenes of violence and arson by the rioters, the Chinese believe that the government is doing the right thing in cracking down to restore order.
The Olympic torch is in California and is to be carried through San Francisco today. In a resolution criticizing China, Chris Daly, a member of the San Francisco Board of Supervisors, said that demonstrating against the torch relay would "provide the people of San Francisco with a lifetime opportunity to help 1.3 billion Chinese people gain more freedom and rights." To his credit, Mayor Gavin Newsom did not sign Daly's resolution.
This statement could not be further from reality. For one thing, the Chinese are a proud people. They want freedom and greater rights, but they know they must fight for them from within. They know that no one can grant them freedom and rights from afar. The stigma of Western imperialism and the Opium Wars also remains a strong reminder of the past, and Chinese people do not want their domestic policies to be dictated by outside powers. They also do not want the United States to boycott the opening ceremonies of the Games. The U.S. boycott of the 1980 Games in Moscow and the Soviet boycott of the 1984 Olympics in Los Angeles accomplished nothing. A U.S. boycott of the opening ceremonies in Beijing would be counterproductive for relations between the two countries.
For decades, anti-China human rights groups in Washington have spent millions of dollars denouncing China. To many Chinese, it seems that this lobby is the only voice that's acceptable or newsworthy in the U.S. media and to the U.S. government. But times are changing. We need to be open-minded and farsighted. We need to make more friends than enemies. Remember what a little ping-pong game did for Sino-U.S. relations in the 1970s? Let's celebrate the Olympics for what the Games are meant to be -- a bridge for friendship, not a playground for politics.
The writer is an actress and director. She became a U.S. citizen in 1989.
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吴宇森 、 陈冲 、 文隽 、李少红 、周迅 、那英 、李冰冰、田亮 、黄秋生
鲍国安 、何平 、张涵予 、蒋雯丽 、胡军 、黄晓明 、陈坤 、齐秦 、林心如
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