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  埃德文•皮克尼作为一名音乐厅里专业舞蹈演员开始他的职业生涯,他为丽都秀表演了3年的舞蹈。在之后的20年里,他对戏剧服装产生并保持浓烈兴趣。他特别为迪斯尼的《加利福尼亚的冒险》, 纽约的 《伤心天使》的演出,拉斯维加斯的里约饭店游行,亚特兰大市的泰姬陵酒店游行,还有拉斯维加斯的巴黎酒店游行的造型。

埃德文同时还设计了丽都秀的最近两个剧《这是奇迹/魔术》和《幸福》里面的的造型. 1998年埃德温由于他在《空中的秀》中出色的服装设计作品荣获主题娱乐大奖。除此之外,他的《奥妙》一剧2006年起在汉堡展开世界巡回演出。

  Edwin Piekny

  Costume Designer

  Edwin Piekny began his career in the music-hall industry as a professional dancer; he notably danced 3 years in the Lido. For twenty years, he has also dedicated himself to his other passion, costume design. He notably drew the costumes for the Disney parade of the California Adventure, of the New York “Blue Angel Cabaret”, of the Las Vegas “Rio Hotel” parade, of the Atlantic City “Taj Mahal Hotel” parade, as well as the outfits of the Las Vegas “Paris Hotel”. He also designed the costumes of the two last Lido shows: “C’est Magique” and “Bonheur”. His work was rewarded by a Theme Entertainement Award in 1998 for the costumes he created for Show in the Sky”. “Mistery” that began its world tour in Hamburg in November 2006.


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