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《巴黎华羽》作者兼导演皮埃尔. 朗贝尔

  这个老师的儿子一直梦想成为舞者,20岁那年放弃名校巴黎师范音乐学院 (暨法国国家音乐学院)。 他师承波赫• 卡尼亚塞夫(Boris Kniasseff)和塞尔日• 佩尔蒂 (Serge Peretti), 使其之后参与罗朗•佩蒂的芭蕾舞表演并成为丽都秀的主要舞蹈演员。


  在丽都秀的旗下,皮埃尔. 朗贝尔在全世界展开巡回表演(北美,日本,希腊,意大利,蒙特卡罗运动俱乐部以及南美)。

  Pierre Rambert

  Author - Director

  This teacher’s son had always dreamt of becoming a dancer and at the age of 20 abandoned the elite school Normale Sup for the Conservatoire National de Musique the French National Music Academy). He learned to dance with Boris Kniasseff et Serge Peretti, which enabled him to later dance in the ballets of Roland Petit and then in the Lido as main dancer. He took over from Miss BlueBell at the direction of the balletsand for the past 10 years is artistic director of the Lido. Co-writer of the show “C’est Magique”, conceptual designer and director of “Bonheur”, he has also directed and worked on the choreography of the Miss France election between 1998 and 2000. Under the banner of the Lido, he has also set up tour shows throughout the world (in North America, Japan, Greece, Italy, at the Monte-Carlo Sporting Club and in South America).


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