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A white feather appears and twirls around the pitch dark theatre.  

The feather, symbol of Paris and its music-hall, opens the doors to light 


第一幕  巴黎华羽



该幕聚焦点在于舞台上的著名女主角,从约瑟芬蓓克(Joséphine Baker)在她那曲革命性《黑色歌舞》中有由法国版画家保罗.科林为她打造的羽毛造型, 著名歌手兼舞蹈家芝芝·让梅尔穿着的著名羽毛装,到艾迪特·皮雅芙(Edith Piaf)的《玫瑰人生》和《我的老爷》等歌舞剧里,那些名伶们用来装扮自己性感的羽毛,她们同时也无一例外地拥有一个共同的喜好――迷醉于巴黎的夜生活和香槟酒……

五个布景, 一个巨型箱子,视频形象香槟酒杯, 歌舞片吉吉、爵士、咖啡、爪哇,、浪漫夜的情人……当香槟杯发明以后, 所有《巴黎华羽》的现场气氛都混合成为一杯沁人心脾的香槟酒,为美丽的巴黎夜而开怀。


Tableau 1 : PARIS PLUMES


     Without too much thought for educational chronological precision, this first tableau takes us in the world of some of the great women of music-hall. From Joséphine Baker, revolutionary at the head of her revue nègre, illustrated by Paul Colin, to Zizi Jeanmaire, dressed with her famous trucen plumes, as well as “la mome” Piaf, and her “Milords”, they all have in themselves the flavour of Parisian nights and champagne.  

Five sets, a large staircase, video images, champagne glasses; Gigi, jazz and java, the romantic night of lovers, all the ingredients of Paris Plumes are mixed together into a pleasant cocktail celebrating the night when champagne was invented.

第二幕  巴黎爵士


美国爵士乐的成功给50年代的音乐厅艺术和歌舞剧带来颠覆性的创作灵感。法国人庆祝巴黎解放举杯欢跳布吉舞,传奇作家兼音乐人維昂 (Boris Vian) 和波西米亚式女伶朱丽特·格蕾科 (Juliette Gréco) 在巴黎第六区的圣日尔曼德普莱小区经常出没,与当时法国作曲家兼指挥家雷·旺图拉(Ray Ventura)和他的伙伴们一起欢歌共舞庆祝巴黎重获的自由。


Tableau 2 : PARIS JAZZ


     With the triumphal arrival of American Jazz, the 50s see the renewal of music-hall art and cabaret.

French people drink, dance the boogie in order to celebrate the freedom of Paris, Boris Vian and Juliette Gréco haunt the Saint-Germain des Prés hang-outs while Ray Ventura and his Collégiens sing and dance the happiness of a recovered freedom.

第三幕 巴黎梦

作为丽都秀红磨坊的另外一个传统, 这一幕风情满溢并渐入高潮。此幕和塔玛公主(Thamar)的传说息息相关:多金而美丽却无以聊赖的公主为爱憔悴。没有任何事物能为塔玛消散忧愁。

夜之女神有神奇的魔力, 帮助她的士兵们捉住了一些非常美丽的鸟, 士兵将这些鸟献给塔玛, 这些鸟被变成珍贵的装饰品,用来取悦塔玛。

鸟神祈求塔玛放了他,并试图引诱塔玛。塔玛答应了,这时鸟神变成了一个英俊多情的王子。 圆满的结局:塔玛和鸟神王子的婚礼。 


Tableau 3 : PARIS REVES


    In the tradition of Lido, the Folies Bergèreand the Moulin Rouge, this exotic tableau relates the legend of Thamar: a rich and beautiful princess who is bored and languishes for love.The boudoir of Thamar is decorated with a succession of curtains, drapes and multicoloured veils which twirl around to create a rich and mysterious universe.

None of the distractions offered to Thamar succeed in making her forget her melancholy. The queen of the night bewitches her and Thamar falls asleep under the spell. In her dream, she dances with birds until she falls in love with one of them with extraordinary feathers.

Through a game of chains and clothes which symbolises the supplication and seduction of the masked bird, the queen of the night transforms the bird into a prince. (Atraction 3).

When she awakes, Thamar recognises the prince and the wedding cele-brations take place in the palace.

第四幕 巴黎之舞

巴黎的所有构成元素: 从艾菲尔铁塔到红磨坊到女神游乐厅(The Folies Bergères); 从密斯丹格苔(Mistinguett), 查尔斯德内(Charles Trenet),法国名流丽娜·雷诺(Line Renaud),那些不可言喻的女人们的美腿,还有灵巧的蒙马特高地的康康舞者的魅力,都只属于――巴黎。

不管巴黎的历史多么悠久, 故事总在流传, 蒙马特高地的康康女舞者从未停止过自己热情的舞步。

在女孩们和幽雅舞者们在楼梯上吟唱的《巴黎华羽》歌声中, 数百年的巴黎夜在今晚再一次落幕…… 


Tableau 4 : PARIS DANSE 


    The Paris of architects, from the Eiffel Tour to the Moulin-Rouge, a pause in the temple of the Folies-Bergère, Mistinguett, Charles Trenet, Line Renaud celebrate Paris, the ineffable womens legs and the wily women of the cancan-dancers of Montmartre.

But the music-hall is not dead and the new generation welcomes you into its imaginary cabaret.  

One century of Parisian nights is finally summarised in the big staircase where the girls and elegant easy-going dancers sing and dance Paris Plumes forever.





07-11-26 14:11
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