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  《巴黎华羽》的舞台被设想成为一个巨大珠宝箱, 既可以根据剧情以及最先进音响视觉科技需要而移动。该剧场面会壮观华丽,精彩绝伦。所有奇妙革新都归功于由LED面组成的四色转动光台,电子巨型投射屏的安装,人型大小的香槟瓶,以及巨大的折叠梯,镜子,舞台烟机和豪华幕帘的使用。


  An exceptional set

  The stage of the show Paris Plumes has been thought as a magnificent jewellery box, both movable according to one’s needs and at the cutting edge of sound and visual technology.

  All the fantasy and the innovation of the show are captured thanks to the effects of four swivelling colour-light panels that integrate a LED-face, the installation of a massive electronic projection screen, the presence of human size bottles of champagne, a huge folding staircase, a giant mirror, and the use of smoke machines or luxurious curtains.


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