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斯蒂芬•布克尔是原版《燃烧地板》的作曲和音乐剧监制人。他还为许多大企业创作歌曲,包括可口可乐,华尔特•迪士尼,埃里克森,福特电机,BMW电机,沃尔沃汽车,登喜路,英国航空公司和丰田等。作为指挥,与斯蒂芬合作过的乐团包括:皇家爱乐,伦敦莫扎特演奏者乐团,皇家苏格兰国家弦乐团,皇家交响乐演奏团,BBC音乐会管弦乐团,海法交响乐团,英国国家乐团,伦敦城市爱乐等。他指挥皇家合唱团为女皇陛下演出。斯蒂芬•布克尔指挥灌制的唱片包括《迪士尼经典电影歌曲》和《痴迷格什温》(BBC音乐会管弦乐团),伦敦版《神秘花园》、《白衣女人》和《南太平洋》。他灌制了著名音乐剧作品演唱者麦克•鲍尔的专辑《纯粹为己》,以及为东京迪士尼乐园创作的获奖作品Animator’s Pallete和Cinderellabation。2006年10月,他指挥BBC音乐会管弦乐团录制了《悲惨世界》的21周年纪念版。

  Stephen Brooker is firmly established as one of Britain’s leading Musical Supervisors and Music Directors. He currently supervises MY FAIR LADY (US Tour) MARY POPPINS (London), LES MISERABLES (New York and London) and co - supervises THE PHANTOM OF THE OPERA.

  He was Conductor of THE WOMAN IN WHITE, MY FAIR LADY, MISS SAIGON, LES MISERABLES, LAUTREC, CATS, THE SECRET GARDEN (RSC), SOUTH PACIFIC (RNT). He was also Musical Supervisor of MY FAIR LADY (UK Tour), CATS (London), HAIR (the Gate Theatre), MISS SAIGON (UK Tour) DANCING ON DANGEROUS GROUND (UK & USA), CARMEN JONES, GREASE, FAME, HAIR and CHESS (Scandinavia), A MODEL GIRL (Greenwich Theatre) and PETER PAN at the Royal Festival Hall.

  Stephen Brooker was composer and Musical Supervisor for the original production of BURN THE FLOOR and has written and produced music for corporate clients including Coca Cola, Walt Disney, Erikkson, Ford Motors, BMW Motors, Volvo Cars, Alfred Dunhill, British Airways and Toyota.

  Orchestral conducting credits include concerts with The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, The London Mozart Players, The Royal Scottish National Orchestra, The Royal Philharmonic Concert Orchestra, The BBC Concert Orchestra, The Haifa Symphony Orchestra, The London, Manchester and Scottish Concert Orchestras, The English National Orchestra, City of London Philharmonic, The Norwegian Radio Orchestra, The Ulster Orchestra, The Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra, The Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra, The West Australian Symphony Orchestra, The Atlanta Symphony Orchestra and Ukraine Opera and Symphony Orchestra. Stephen has conducted The Royal Choral Society in the presence of Her Majesty the Queen.

  Stephen Brooker conducted the recordings of DISNEY FILM CLASSICS and CRAZY FOR GERSHWIN (BBC Concert Orchestra) the studio cast recording of HAIR, the London cast recordings of THE SECRET GARDEN, THE WOMAN IN WHITE and SOUTH PACIFIC. He recorded Michael Ball’s album ‘This Time Its Personal’ and was Orchestrator and Conductor for Walt Disney’s award winning ANIMATORS PALLETE and CINDERELLABRATION for Disneyland Tokyo. In October 2006 he conducted the 21st Birthday recording of LES MISERABLES with the BBC Concert Orchestra.

  www.stephenbrooker.co.uk 斯蒂芬•布克尔的个人网站


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