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娱乐频道 > 戏剧 drama > 2007年中国广播艺术团艺术周 > 相关介绍




  Brief Introduction

  Mr. Wu Zhengming is a member of china Musicians Association. Mr Wu entered C.F.S.O. at 16.Then he was enrolled by Central Conservatory of Music. His mentors include Professors LiuYuxi and Sui Keqiang. After graduation, Mr. Wu returned to C.F.S.O. In the past 20 years and more, Mr.Wu, played Solo for numerous symphonies, dances, and dance dramas, and film-TV music. Meanwhile he has been invited to give performances in other countries including Germany, Italy, Austria, France, Spain, Switzerland, etc. Mr. Wu is a state-appointed first-rate performer and enjoys government special allowances.


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