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  詹姆斯-霍纳James Horner(大型舞台艺术剧《九幕·敦煌》执行委员会顾问、作曲)

  James Horner (Executive supervisor, consultant of the executive committee of large-scale theatre “Nine Acts·Dun Huang”)

  好莱坞最负盛名的配乐大师。凭借为动画片《美国鼠谭》谱写的歌曲《Somewhere Out There》获得奥斯卡和金球奖提名,及该年度葛莱美“最佳歌曲”和“最佳电影插曲”双料大奖,所创作的主题曲《我心依旧》乘着《泰坦尼克号》的风浪席卷了全球,并获该年的 "奥斯卡"与"金球"两项大奖。

  James Horner is one of the most famous incidental music masters in Hollywood. The song Somewhere Out There which is composed by him for the Cartoon Film An American Tail was nominated by Oscar and Golden Globe Awards, and won the Best Song and Best Film Song of GRAMMYS Awards in that year. His song My Heart will Go ON swept the whole world with the film Titanic and won Oscar and Golden Globe Awards of that year.




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